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Recent Blog Posts
Well, I have read many of your individual blogs about things that have happened that I have been through but some of you are now approaching issues that I must say I hadn't considered such as the coed sleepover stuff and such. I nor my husband go for that sort of thing, nor for any of the drinking under age either. There will be plenty of time for that later in life. I can recall those moments when my stepdaughter thought I was the greatest thing since sliced bread and these days she has no use for me or her father. The comments and her behavior have shattered both of us.
Juicy tidbits from the weekend so far and it's only Friday night..
Well, I don't know if anyone feels like they are playing the new suitcase money game, Deal or No Deal, but that is kind of what I feel like I have been doing lately. Kind of always trying to pick the lesser of two evils, at least it seems that way. I am calling the dr's office tomorrow for an appointment for when they are in town (2 days a week) and will go from there. I have absolutely no idea what is going on but I am already pretty tired of this strange feeling and then my ankle collapsing and hitting my head.
Well, it looks like I am repeating this pattern and fell again today. This time in the garage coming up the stairs into the house. I couldn't get the house alarm turned off on time either, so the alarm company called as well and I explained what happened. My ankle collapsed underneath me, and what few things I had in my hand fell down the steps, my head hit the wall, and my knee and ankles hit the brick steps. I saw birdies again. I had this queer feeling before it started to happen but couldn't control it and have such a headache with another goose egg.
I have been married for about 1.5 years to a man with a daugther from a previous marriage. She lives with her mother and visits us on designated breaks. Her mother is a very "hands off" parent who would rather ignore her daughter than raise her. When I married this man, I informed him that I, by choice, did not date men with children because I detest...no..HATE drama created from the dynamics of the parental bermuda triangle. He told me that he was civil with the mother and promised no drama. What a crock. That is all it has been.
Well, a few days have gone by since my last post. I was glad to see that the site was down and it wasn't a problem with my computer. .) Yesterday was my birthday and anniversary but we didn't really do anything special. And today my husband snapped my head off again. Just like any other day. So what's the point. And then I found the alternate blog site my step daughter was using only to find out that her mom's BF had been calling her a bitch, and her mom agreed, but that was okay. And they still got the support money. So, I guess whatever floats you boat.
We had really bad storms in our area on Sun. night and the subsequent power outage kept us down until last night. Hopefully, we won't have anymore problems but it is that time of year here!
Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused anybody!
Well, I have been marking time. It's just a few days away from my birthday and anniversary which are purposefully, both on the same day, the 3rd, so my husband, can't screw them up. I was reading the comments in the posts about wills and stepchildren, and interests, and such. First, I will just say, you need to do whatever fits your own comfort zone.
DH and I have been discussing wills. As we are trying to have children, I want to leave my estate to my children, but HE wants me to split it equally between our kids and his two kids. I don’t think this is fair because then the older two will be 'double dipping' as they will also inherit from their Mother, whereas my/our children will only inherit from ME.
It has been pretty smooth sailing lately (shh, I'll jinx myself). We still have not had my boyfriend's daughter since the last explosion with biomom, my boyfriend, his daughter, and me throwing my 2 cents in. My boyfriend's daughter finally called her dad on Monday and left a message (not really sure why). He called her back while I ran out and he said she was really friendly, so I feel a little better that the lines between them are opening, although I don't think they have discussed any of the real issues yet (her unacceptable defiance and disrepect when in our home).