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Time Marches On

Sweetie's picture

Well, time continues to march on and the days pass by, each with more intense heat than the one before. Or at least, so it seems to me. It's been well over a month, and I haven't heard a peep from still bothers me. And SD's comment that her Dad is MIA--don't you think that something would click in her head--after this time--there's a reason your Dad hasn't spoken to you? Duh??? But then, biomom, has told SD she hasn't done anything to apologize for.

How many of you

williteverend's picture

believe that the hard earned money your DH pays to his X for child support is being used to actually support the child? His X has argued that she needs money for child care, but then find out she stopped using any during the school year late last year. Then her attorney says that she needs an incredible amount per week to pay for a High School kid in the summer - are you kidding. Why is that the X thinks that she is still entitled all of DHs money after the divorce...

I just don't like her and I wish he didn't, either

SMIT's picture

As much as I hate to admit it, I'm slightly jealous of the good relationship my husband and his ex- have. I know it's better for all three of us and for my SS, but I guess I want some justification for not thinking too highly of her. She's a good mother to our little boy but there are things about her I just can't stand and I feel awful for it.

It makes me laugh

Sherrylyn's picture

Just recently I bumped into an older woman walking home from the local grocery store stuggling with several bags. I had a pull behind cart & offered to help her home with them. I've lived in this area for 12 years now, but the residential areas are so snakey that I steer clear of them if I can. I asked her where we were going, & when she told me I couldn't quite place it. Well it was just 2 blocks from my house. So I was left shaking my head & laughing at myself.

Flare Ups

Sweetie's picture

Well, I am looking at my hands again, and my body is starting to quit on me again. I am getting another active flare up of dermatitis going on both hands again. It never quite completely cleared up, and just basically relapsed and started again. The hot climate here hasn't helped. It has been well into the 90's all week and will remain so indefinitely. I was finally able to get white cotton gloves ordered for my hands and they should be delivered today. It took me quite some time to locate them and get them ordered.

Why is it

williteverend's picture

that my DH can't talk about any issues that deal with his EW for more than a minute. He seems to think that I am obsessed for even bringing something up. I don't think he understands how frustrating it is to be the SM and to have to deal with his past issues and the present ones, because the reality is that we have quite a few years left to deal with this. When a person is so opposite of you and lives to make your life a living torture (I am still not sure why we take the brunt of the hostility), it is hard to understand. Sometimes I just need to talk it out and he hates that.

Is biomom remarried???

FlaminMama's picture

So biomom does have a live in boyfriend, slash fiance, she acts though he is the great at almight SD. Even has the kids calling him dad... So I have been in the picture for 4-1/2 years him about the same time, and I have seen him maybe 5 times. He is never at the games, practices, anything. When ever we see biomom at something, you would think sd would be somewhere. He's never there. Why is that, yet she makes them call him dad. I was just wondering when and if they ever do get married (doubt that they will) does it get better or worse for us.....
