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In light of Friday's fight where I asked you to take care of SS11 pushing on BS5 and the completely inappropriate reaction from you that resulted in you in my face screaming at me and then punching the glass face of our microwave which busted all over OS 19months I will no longer be doing the following

*email your exwife on your behalf
*make copies of things that need to be mailed to your exwife
*be left alone with your son for any period of time (the only exception is while waiting on you to return from work)
*attempt a parenting relationship with SS11 which requires me to lecture, reprimand, or punish your child
*allow him to go anywhere or do anything without your explicit permission with you either approving or denying specific activties by telephone or in person
*make sure he calls his mom or talks for any length of time to his mother on any given day of the week
*he will also not be using my telephone to make phone calls to his mother regardless of whether or not your telephone is "dead" at said time
*worry about you losing your FTC to your exwife

You have started to rely on me entirely to much to parent your child DH, and it stops now. I have allowed to you to use me as a mother figure in this child's life only in the interest of BS5 and OS 19 months. I have felt like it was unfair to them for me to parent them and not parent your child as well. I have tried over so hard to love your son equal to my sons and this has only garned resentment from him to me, and resentment from BS 5 who gets the shaft over and over again from you, your family, and your son. I will not tolorate it any longer.

Your son broke the golden rule in our home without repurcussion from you, AGAIN. In our home we DO NOT put our hands on others for any reason, this a safety issue, their age gaps and consquently size differences are to great for this rule to be ignored.

I resent you for punishing BS5 to the fullest extent for playing to rough with OS 19 months, and then allowing SS11 to put his hands on BS5 maliciously without repurcussions.

How dare you try to make me feel guilty for bringing up his violent drawings as a reason for my main concern, how dare you ask me not to see SS11 as having issues for drawing these things and then maliciously putting his hands on someone half his size. I resent you for this because SS11 truely needs help and youre not seeking this help for him. How dare you hold me accountable for showing these violent images to others who are around all of our children on a daily basis and need to be aware of the issues surrounding SS11. How dare you DH resent others for not wanting your child around theirs because you have disclosed the details of what we have found to these loving parents. SS11 needs help DH. This is a fact. You had sex with a crazy person, you knew when you married her that her entire family was crazy and that resulted in her being crazy as well, and now that your son is displaying the same tendencies you want to act surprised. No, Im sorry that three years we have had FTC of this child is not enough to overcome the crazy he was exposed to while you were not in the picture, nor is it enough to overcome his genetics. Actually that was a choice you made and I cant be sorry for choices you made, but I am becoming ver sorry that I helped you gain FTC and have now exposed my two beautiful sweet children to a child who may hurt them in a fit of jealousy over you one day. I resent you for saying that his behavior is typical sibling rivalry and using this as an excuse to allow him to treat BS5 this way. If you truely believe this then I feel sorry for you, because you are becoming an ostrich that buries his head in the sand to escape the sun. Normal siblings do not shoot murderous glances at younger siblings for simply talking to daddy. Normal sibling do not tell one another that they dont have to love each other because their daddy is not the other ones. Normal siblings do not tell the other one that they are both to hate the mommy of the family because she is a bad mom. Normal siblings do fight, but they do not attempt to estrange the other siblings from daddy or mommys family.

Im done, DH, I will no longer be made to feel guilty about these things. I will begin putting my BS5 and OS 19 months before yours. Im sorry, but you can no longer take advantage me and expect me to fix this boy. I cant do it, and frankly Im not sure this boy is fixable. If he is then you need to step up and take the reins.

I know that in your eyes we resolved this fight on Friday, but I have not resolved my feelings towards this situation or to the hundreds of situations that occured before this one. I cannot keep at this with my head high any longer. Mama bear is coming out and SHE WILL PROTECT HER CHILDREN AT ALL COSTS.

You need to step up and get this child help. You are neglecting BS5 and OS 19 months by not getting him help. Get your head out of the sand. I know you know something is not right because you fully admitted that the stuff he is doing is creepy. An 11yo should not capable of the manlipulation that he is, an 11yo should not be thinking of the graphic things that he is drawing and writing about. Step up, DH, your entire family is counting on you, and no matter how deep you bury your head in the sand this is not going to go away, but it will get worse if you dont act now.

And DH as an end note, you need to know, I will put up with the bullshit that you put me tnrough, our marriage is the greatest source of happiness in my life, I love you, and the love that I have for you is greater than my ego. I will probably continue to work through our marital issues because you are more important to me than being "right." You are my strength, and my safe place. I do not want to live witnout you right now or ever. But, if it comes to that I already know that I can live without you. I can survive as a single parent and I have already done it before. You need to know that if your son EVER HURTS me, or more importantly my sons, I will leave and I will never look back. Hes 11 and his violent streak is already quite appalling, what will he be capable of in a couple more years when he is in full fledged puberty? You need to be asking yourself the hard questions DH, Im asking them, and I dont like the answers Im getting. YOUR SON NEEDS HELP, GET HIM THE HELP HE NEEDS. If you love him, you will help him.