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Having a hard time dealing with pregnacy

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Im 15 weeks pregnate and I know my emotions are crazy. Has anyone other woman would there felt this way.

My husband has 2 kids from a previous marriage. A girl and a boy. This is my first child and so needless to say I am VERY excited. But, I kinda get the feeling that he has this "been there dont that attitude" which is fine, but I get excited over the little things and he always make some comment like, you just wait or thats not right this is how I used to do it.

Need Advise Quick....bout to blow a FUSE! Need to know how to handle so Im not the bitch

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Ok. Let me rehash the event in a nutshell. Stepson 22 works a little minimun wage job lives with bm and only has to pay for his toys, no rent, no bills, nothing to teach responsiblilty. BM asks my husband for money to help... cause she is broke (so she says)

One month ago I saw where he was going to buy a new bike. Told my husband and he DID NOT believe me...ok whatever. HE BOUGHT THE BIKE.

Does anyone else feel like the world stops for the BM

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I am really having a hard time dealing with this. Two years ago my ss, who is not 22, decided to drop out of college (college is not right for everyone). He had a few student loans. He was suppose to start paying them back and told his parents that he was.

For some reason he had his dad's address and his moms cell phone number and email account on the file. This was before my time so I dont know all the details of why this happend.

is it normal to feel like a total outsider in your own home

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Disclaimer: Im preggo and my emotions have been running wild these past few days, but please give me some advise on how to make things easier.

I really feel that my husband and his ex are way to close. Though I dont think he would ever want her back, it still just freaks me out a bit.

The ex calls my husband all the time. They do have children together and most of the time it about the children, but a lot of the stuff they discuss is stuff that him and the kids can talk about. The kids are 22 and 12.

I just want to cry!

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I know that most of the time I get on this website I complain about my stepkids...well to be honest that is the reason I joined. Because I cant talk to my husband about it because he thinks they are angels. I had a run in last night with my step daugther and I if I had high blood pressure I think I would have had it last night and this morning.

With school just starting back in session I wanted to get things off to a productive start. So, I made a list of tasks my sd needs to complete every night. My sd is 12 so I know she is capable of completing these. Here is the list:

Just found out that I am PREGNATE!!!! Needing advise

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Ok...I just found out that I am pregnate! I am so excited. This is my first child and I am MORE THANK EXCITED!!! I have actually know for a couple of weeks which has give me ample time to think about a lot of things.

My husband has 2 kids from a previous marriage and this will be our first together.

Has anyone ever had to deal with this....needing some advise

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Two days ago I rode with my husband to pick up his sd, at the BM home. Usually, I do not ride with him, but we were running errands and tried to save time by doing this. I think this is time that they can talk about father daughter issues or anything they want to talk about so normally i do not go.

Well, we pull up to the bm house and both the sd and bm come out. My husband rolls down his window to see if the BM needs anything and the BM says that the sd wanted her to walk outside with her until she got in the car. I was thinking to myself..."Are you serious?"

I think my horns came out on Sunday!

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Ok friends....lets get a few things straight...I am very laid back, do not like to argue, like things done right, I like a clean house, and I am into responsibility. Thats a little about me.

My husband babies his daughter who is 12. She is lazy and ungrateful and it gets worse everytime she is at the house. I try to overlook it, but at times it is very hard to deal with.
