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I think my horns came out on Sunday!

tryingtomakeit's picture

Ok friends....lets get a few things straight...I am very laid back, do not like to argue, like things done right, I like a clean house, and I am into responsibility. Thats a little about me.

My husband babies his daughter who is 12. She is lazy and ungrateful and it gets worse everytime she is at the house. I try to overlook it, but at times it is very hard to deal with.

I really have not every had to raise my voice to my sd because I dont feel it is my place to do that. When i have a issue i go to my husband and he usually makes excuses for her, which I am TIRED of. He always says he will talk to her, but for some reason it never happens.

My sd is suppose to be SOOOO outgoing and when she does this it DRIVES ME CRAZY.

We were at church on Sunday. My sd and myself were about to set down, but we had to wait on a few people to go by. One of the people that was in our way moved back and told us that we could go infront of them and set down. So I said thank you and looked at my SD to give her the que to go. She looked at me and said NO. We were holding the line up. I was hot and it was that time of the month. I told sd to please go. She said no way she was not setting by a stranger. I loooked at her and I think she saw the devil in the building. I told her to GO NOW...I AM SERIOUS.

She knew I was mad at her all thought church she was afraid. I can tell when she gets nervous. I did not say two words to the sd all day long. I didnt tell her father either because he would just make up some excuse for why she told me no.

This really irritated me. Its not like I asked her to do something illegal or something. If she had been my biological child I would have taken her to the nursery and had a little talk with her. I dont really know why this made me mad. I think I would have been fine if she would not have just plain out told me NO. Twice on top of that.

Is that wrong in me to feel the way I did?

Im still not over it. I feel like im always the one that does everything and get nothing in return.


Jsmom's picture

No you are not wrong. You handled it better than most. These kids have a way of getting under our skin.

stepkate's picture

I think you're right to be a little upset. Just try not to dwell on it-it sounded like SD got the point, and it was good that you got serious about it immediately.

I never got to tell my parents 'no' their face, anyway.

oneoffour's picture

I don't think you did the wrong thing. Think about it this way. You did nothing that a teacher wouldn't ask the child to do. As long as you think "I am a teacher. What I am asking is not unreasonable." you are on the right track.

These kids need to know that we are on to them. I have had a few words wiht my S/sons over the years. Apparently at one stage BM told DH that I was not to discipline her sons. We are tlaking about telling them off for stepping out of line. Nothing more than what I would say to my own neices and nephews. DH told her that the kids are not being hit or touched and they need to mind their manners in our house. Mr now19 had a fit with me and decided never to come back. Mr now17 chose to keep coming over (I expected it to be reversed). Now Mr17 tells me snippets about his life that his father would have a cow about but on the Grand Scale counts for nothing really. And he listens to me and respects me... sorta.