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A news article from a "counselor" about a BM & how she made her stepfamily work...YOU WON"T BELIEVE IT!!!

herewegoagain's picture

Sorry, I would post but it's in Spanish. As we have all said here, it seems that most of the time the major issues occur with the stepmoms, not stepdads...well, I will post and translate what this idiot says about how "she made it work" and the counselor AGREES!!!

"My husband began to love my children before we married. However, when we married, my MOTHER KEPT MY 3 CHILDREN with her for SIX months. This gave US the opportunity to be a COUPLE FIRST. But after the 6 mos, my husband told my mother that we could take them home because he felt ready for them to be in our home".

CAN YOU IMAGINE if a MAN did the same? The crazy BM and society would jump all over him for wanting to be a SPOUSE first. Which of course, is what MOST BMs's just fathers that aren't allowed to do it.

Then she goes on to say:

Actually, before they married they reached an agreement and she gave him full permission to "DISCIPLINE HER KIDS & to be an important figure in the life of her kids." She never tried to tell the kids to call him dad, although the word stepdad was never mentioned in her house. In addition, she always told her kids they had a bio-dad. Today, the kids are grown and call stepdad DAD and bio-dad, by his name.

SOOOO...really? You allowed your new spouse to DISCIPLINE YOUR KIDS? I wonder if you would have allowed your ex's new spouse to do the same? Nope, I doubt it. Also, funny they call him dad...instead of their bio-dad...nobody seems upset by that. Really? I'm sure you told your kids they had a "POS bio-dad" just like my DHs mother did...

Anyway, I had to post. This is the outrageous double standard that most stepmoms face. Everyone on the article rated it a "thumbs up" she did such a wonderful freaking job! Amazing! sigh...

"Él los empezó a querer desde antes de casarnos. Pero cuando nos casamos, mi madre se quedó con los niños por seis meses. Así que primero pudimos ser pareja. Pero luego él mismo fue y le dijo que se los llevaba porque estaba preparado para que estuvieran en la casa con nosotros", relata Rosa.

Precisamente, dice que antes llegaron a unos acuerdos y ella le dio la "apertura necesaria" para que él los disciplinara y fuera una figura importante en la vida de sus hijos. No obstante, destaca que él nunca trató de que los niños le dijeran papi "aunque en mi casa nunca se menciona la palabra padrastro". Además, afirma que a los niños siempre se les habló de que tenían un padre biológico. Hoy día, esos niños -que ya son adultos casados y con hijos- le dicen papá a Félix, mientras que al padre biológico lo llaman por su nombre.


uncommon's picture

Um, how would it be acceptable for either parent to just drop their kids off with a relative for 6 months so they could focus on their love life???

Wtf is wrong with people?

Auteur's picture

Throw in the much acclaimed "BM STAMP OF APPROVAL" tatooted strategically on stepdad's forehead for all the children to see and it's smooth sailing from then on.

Stepdads have it WAAAAAAAY easier than stepmoms.

caregiver1127's picture

Even though I am on here so there is problems in my so called blended family the biggest one being our BM - when DH and I got married and we knew that SS was coming to live with us Full time - DH, BM and I had an agreement since I would be the primary caregiver for SS (BM lives 700 miles away from us) that I could and would have full discipline privileges with my SS - this was agreed upon before we even walked down the aisle - and it worked really well and BM even told me that if SS would not listen to me to call her and she would talk to him - this all worked really well until I found out that BM was not trying to correct the situation but was actually trying to be the cool mom and telling SS don't worry you are not in trouble with me just act like I am telling you what to do - so I just stopped calling her when there was a problem and dealt with it myself with the full blessing of DH.

Also SS asked me if it was okay to call me mom the weekend we got married - I am adopted I look at the whole family dynamic differently and said sure he could call me mom - BM knew he was going to call me mom and I thought she was okay with it until SS went back to visit his mom and I saw that she had taken MOM2 out of his phone and put my first name - so when he moved in with her I put myself as Stepmonster and he loved it!!

I do say that if you hook up with someone with kids - you and your spouse or boyfriend or partner need to be a united front or it will never work. It is hard enough with the BM screwing you over every chance they get but if your partner is not on the same page - GAME OVER!!

itsgottostop's picture

I deal with a BM who has double standards. I have been in SS's life for 4 years and have been his step mom for the past 2 years. BM met a guy and dated/lived with him for 6 months and has just recently married him and its ok for him to be involved in school and sporting events but I am not allowed to be involved in anything...not even the check out list at the school.

herewegoagain's picture

PS my neighbor also did this...she had a kid, left him w/her mom for 5 yrs to be a model & travel...that's where she met her current husband...they were alone for quite a while before they decided to return & she took her kid back! Along w/her mom so she always has had free baby sitting...nice...

Unfreakingreal's picture

Y conocio al nuevo macho en un retiro religioso! THAT was funny as hell to me. That'll be the day I abandon one of my kids for some dick.

herewegoagain's picture

Well, what's funny is that the BM does it and people see no problem with it...but a MAN does the same and all hell breaks lose.