TrueNorth77's Blog
ROFR drama- I am sick to my stomach
My stomach is in knots right now. I did post a blog about this a while back, so this is Part 2.
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Right of first Refusal- Gah!
DH and I are going out of the country next month for 2 wks. We have week on/week off custody, which means we will be gone on 1 skid wk. We had no plans of asking Crazy to take skids since she has kicked them out twice since Dec., and just last Sat. night when skids were with her DH got a text from SS16 at 2:30am saying he was "sick of this place".
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It's come to being medicated
It's been a while since I've posted, but not because things have been peaceful around here- Quite the opposite.
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Another skid argument
Skids come today, and DH and I were just talking about SS16 and the crap he's been pulling lately. Driving like a maniac (we can see on our insurance app exactly how he drives, which over the last week is awful), being late to work because he was off doing fun things with friends, calling in to already-scheduled work shifts because something better came up. Gee DH, do you think maybe you having him take off for already-scheduled shifts multiple times to do fun things set the precedent that this was ok?
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In today's episode of "Messages from Crazy"
I posted a little while ago about how we have completely had it with Crazy's antics and constant messaging on thej OFW app, completely ignoring the communication guidelines we put in place specifically to shut her up. It is just not sustainable for 5yrs til SD is 18, and DH will be filing for Contempt (setting expectations low). The holdup is that, in true DH fashion, he lost the entire CO somehow, and he needs to get a copy of it to reference the exact reasons for contempt.
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The talk with SD and a skid trip
To recap: While skids were at Crazy's last, SD told DH that she is acting different toward me because I "pushed" her when she was 7. (NEVER HAPPENED). I told DH he could handle it, because I am just baffled and annoyed and not going to argue with a 12yr old. After his initial convo with her, she had said she felt bad, but I was very uncomfortable and not sure how to act.
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Contempt of Court, Finally!
At risk of being a blog hog, I had to share that this dumpster fire of a week continues with maximum drama, and we don't even have skids this week.
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Update- SD thinks I HIT HER
So I posted earlier today (2-3 posts down from this one) about how SD12 has done a 180 on me, doesn't seem to want anything to do with me, is being a brat to DH, and most recently told her teacher/my friend that I'm not her SM, I'm her "dad's wife". This is the same girl who, at our wedding reception this past September, made a whole rap about how DH and I met and performed it in front of the entire reception, saying how I was pretty and DH was "meh" (lol), and spent hours and hours on it because she wanted to do it for me mostly.
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Honestly do not know what to do
This has been such a hard week. After 6+ years, SD12 has done a complete 180 and become distant from me. No more hugs before bed every night, talking to me about anything, and she only talked to me twice last week, when she wanted something from me. I did help her with her first request (she wanted to borrow sandals), but the second request (wanting me to talk to DH about being allowed to hang out with a friend she is not allowed to hang out with now), I denied.
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He got his license!!
SS turned 16 today and GOT HIS LICENSE!!!!! *yahoo* This is one of the milestones I have been counting down towards, helping me get to the finish line of a skid-free home. DH will no longer be driving SS to very-walkable places (5 blocks) within our small town of 4,800 people just because SS "doesn't like walking". SS may actually go out and do social activities rather than stay in his room playing video games 18 hrs a day! I'm pumped. Also, SS and I are in a great place, and he's thrilled to have his license so I'm excited for him.
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