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TrueNorth77's Blog

Finally getting his head out of the sand

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Quick recap- my SO has primary placement for SS12 and SD9- 67%. 10 days on, 4 days by Crazy, then in summer she gets 9 days, we have 5. This was a GAL's recommondation- in Aug. it will be 2 years since the CO. Also in Aug, Crazy is able to file for a change in custody, and we think she will, given that she filed 3 MONTHS after the CO was put in place last time. The judge let it go to a motion hearing for some reason but quickly dismissed it in court due to her not having a huge change in circumstance, and because you have to wait 2 years to file for a change.

Pure Evil

TrueNorth77's picture

This wknd was overwhelming. Skids were by Crazy, so it was just my SO and I. It went from good to bad, and now I don’t know what it is. That may or may not be a blog for another day. I’m still processing it and figuring out how I feel. He is working the complete opposite shift as me so I won’t even see him for a few days. 

I just can't

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I want to strangle my SO right now.

SS12 has gotten busted many times before for staying up past his bedtime on his phone. The first few times he was told to go to bed and got yelled at a bit for it (by me, since I was the one with him while my SO works). Eventually, my SO put parental controls on the WiFi, so now SS's PS4 turns off at 9:30pm and his phone wifi turns off at 10pm. He's gotten busted turning his data on and staying up past 10 using data, which causes us to almost go over our data plan, and my SO has yelled at him for that.

Nice try, Psycho

TrueNorth77's picture

So SD9 was just talking to Crazy on the phone up in her room, and I happened to overhear about 3 minutes of the conversation. And by “happened to overhear”, I mean I snuck up to the top of the stairs like a stalker so I could listen to the convo since SD FaceTimes Crazy. But that’s neither here nor there. This was the convo in the 3 MINUTES I listened: 

SD: We should get rid of our cat and get 2 fish. 

Crazy: No, fish smell. Ask your dad to get fish. 

SD: No, he won’t. 

Crazy: I know. Tell Step-girlfriend to get rid of the 2 cats that she stole and get fish. 

SM Fail

TrueNorth77's picture

I was half-watching Sex and the City when SD9 came downstairs and we decided to play her Nintendo Switch, on the portable screen. Mario Kart is actually pretty fun, especially because she is probably the only person on the planet I can actually beat at video games. Sex and the City was still on the TV as we were playing, and occasionally we would pay a little attention to it, enough to get into the story line (Carrie was trying to get back together with Aiden).

Gotta love skid teaching moments!

TrueNorth77's picture

This was pretty funny. Skids are required to rinse their dishes after we eat, but for some reason, they don't think that rule applies to dishes with leftovers they take to school for lunch. They will throw the dish in the sink with the cover still on, and then we (and by we, I mean usually me) am left to deal with it since SS only loads/unloads the dishwasher once a week as his chore. I'm sick of it, tbh.
