Am I Nuts?
I met my other half about four years ago.. we were madly in love.. We both had kids, his lived out of state and mine well.. I have raised alone most of their lives. So blending two families was something I was really excited about. Having help around the house with the kids was fantastic. Mom can only be so many people rolled up into one and being a parent to four boys and one girl.. Well guys need guys to talk to about some things. I got to meet my other halfs kids, they came to my home during a bad time.. we were remodeling and everything was out of place and in need of finninshing but my love had back surgery and was getting depressed and needed that visit with his kids. I have never had a problem with getting along with people. I get along with my x really well and he comes to see his kids and stays with us. But this x of his what a nightmare. She is cold and calculating. I tried to explain to her that being bitter and holding grudges only does one thing and thats leave the kids feeling torn and hurt. She hates my logic I don't realize what a monster I am in love with. We went to the airport to pick up the two kids.. boy and girl. They walked out of the terminal and I backed up so their dad could greet them with loving arms and make them feel welcome before introducing me. The little boy was an angel and coverd in scratch marks all over his crew cut head. His sister you could see in her eyes resentment for having to be subjected to such a trip. She had her little camera in hand and said yes she hurt her brother and scratched him up as he slept. So much for kids being watched on airplanes by the flight crew. So a call went out to the mother about her actions and it was flipped to be her X's fault and the stress of the kids seeing him. Ok is this lady nuts or am I for thinking people should be nice to one another?
Well the nitemare was just beginning. This little girl .. my new daughter was given everything she wanted while with us. She was shown the sites and taken to theme parks and enjoyed hours in our pool. She was told to come in out of the water and she refused. Her daddy didn't want to be stern with them as they were on their first visit, but I insisted they get out of the pool or they would burn. She threw a fit and I let her father deal with it. You guessed it.. She got a bad sun burn. She got sick from it with chills and threw up. But I didn't add my two cents in because they were his kids and they were visiting and I let him do what needed to be done. Well guess whose fault is was when the X got a call from her baby about not feeling good and being sun burnt... good guess.. YEP it was MY fault.. because I didn't tell her she had been in the pool to long and wasn't watching them. Ok my kids are not burnt and not sick because they know when mom says out its for their own good.
Then the day before they were to fly home.. the little lady was tormenting her brother again and one of my sons told her she was being a bratt. I was watching from the other room as she jumped on him and proceeded to beat the hell out of my son and I walked in and pulled her off of him.. he was crying.. I sent her to her father and told him what had transpired.. the little princess welled up with tears and said he hit her and beat her up and that I was lieing. Dad knew better by this time and told her to stay away from my son and that she had a time out. She called her mommy and told her how my son beat her up and was mean to her cornering her. I guess if being on the bottom of flying fists hitting you is being the agressor .. I understand a bit about broken homes and playing parents against each other but I never dreamed of a child like this.
They left the next day.. You can't imagine the weight lifted off my chest to see that little girl go but I was in fear for her brothers safety being on the plane with her alone. NOT safe. Well it wasn't an hour after the plane landed and the X was calling threatening to take me to court for my son assulting and mentally damaging her daughter. I was like ok what in the world are you talking about. Then remember when I said at the beginning of the blog that this girl was holding her camera tight. OMG.. It was a set up. One nite while here she asked to cook a hot dog in the microwave. I said do you know how.. after all she is 10.
She said yes I do it all the time.. I ran out and she had exploded the hot dog all over .. what I didn't know is she clicked a picture of it to show her mother. I was threatened with DCF.. for having a dirty microwave. I just about died laughing. Then I was told about other pictures.. how I lived in a pit. Remember this house is being renovated wasn't a good time to have company but I did for my loves sake. She took pictures of concrete floors that were being redone and OH the best part is we had a litter of puppies. We kept them in the back poorch you know how puppy's can be. She took pictures of them in their pen with poopie on the newspapers and said this was my living room. That did it for me.. never in my LIFE.. have I dealt with devious nasty people like this. My love got angry because I said I would not allow them in my home again.. not the little girl. I was angry... I shot pictures of my home and sent them to this woman. I told her I called DCF to come inspect my home and would have the report sent to her. She got the report glowing repore.. I have a VERY expensive home and very nice even being renovated. She got angry with her x and told him he couldn't see his kids in my home ever again because my kids were violent. Worked for me. I was angry I was bitter and I hated this kid. But then the heart in me said you can't hate a child. You can't hate her because she was brought up by a very bitter woman. My love hasn't seen his kids in three years. His x hasn't even sent pictures. He calls them several times a week to be told they don't want to talk. He is disabled now from surgery to his back and can't afford to fight with a lawyer. I just sit back and offer comfort. His son wants to come so bad .. he got defiant with his mother and her boyfriend and the boyfriend abused him. pulled down his pants in public and spit in his face. Ok really adult there.. They sent him to germany because he wanted to go see his dad.. Going to germany has been a blessing for this little boy.. he has blossomed so much being with his grandmother and gets to talk to his dad daily. The X's mom is not as wicked as she is.. totally different people. Well he has been there in germany for over 8 months.. doing great in school there learning the language. A chance of a lifetime that is coming to an end and he wants to go camping with us this summer.
but he doesn't want his sister coming. He can't stand her. But my love wants to see both his kids. I think I might be nuts to even consider taking my kids with them, who knows what that girl is capable of and she could really hurt one of my kids in the woods. She is going to be 13.. and from their phone conversations.. she still has issues. I don't know what to do or think.. and just wish there was a magic solution. This girl needs mental help. I am going to need body armor for my kids and alarms for their tents. Better yet I am sleeping with them and my love can go sleep in a tent with his kids away from us.
Well enough for tonight. I will have nitemares from this.
A mom going nuts
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I am so sorry
In my experience when the mother is saying 'oh she is mean and bad and going to hurt my kids', what choice do the kids have, but to think that mom is nothing but truthful.
It sounds as if getting away was the best thing on earth for the boy. The girl could use a camp or boarding school.
Not helpful but I am so sorry you have to live with that kind of drama.
Re: Im so sorry
I don't know what can fix this, and its sad because later in life she is going to learn very hard lessions being the way she is. I can't help but think if she had a mother who really cared about her that they would want to see her get help.
I really want to see her grow and blossom into a respectful young lady and go on in life to be caring and loving to those around her.
I can't really get into the mix of things because you know being the step parent we are labled as the bad guys right off the bat. And that we are just hateful and don't want our step kids around.. and thats not true.. I really wanted to make things work.. My daughter wanted a little sister so badly.. I can't have this was a blessing gone bust.
Raising kids isn't easy and you have your ups and downs.. But I have never had a kid in trouble or on drugs or drinking and driving... I feel so blessed with the ones I have raised and continue to raise.
I wish I could get past all this and just let it go.. stress isn't good for the soul or for relationships.
I'm just going to come right out and say it
It would not be a good idea for this girl to come to your house until she has this worked out. I don't suppose that anyone thought that doing that could get your kids taken away from you (...people are assholes, what can I say?). You don't know what she's capable of doing to your family. Asking your son to take more abuse, and why? I mean, it's a shame that he can't see his kids more often, but you can't risk yours over these people's dysfunction. If your husband wants to see them, he should do so. But that doesn't mean they have to be at your house, or anywhere near it for that matter. I'm sure it's no fun sending your other half away for a week, but if that's what it takes for all sides to be appeased, it might be worth it.
In terms of the boy, maybe you could get separate visits (although I have no idea how you could bring that up to bm without sounding totally biased. Reasonable people would understand, but I somehow doubt these people are reasonable). It would be such a shame to punish the boy for the girl's behavior, but you need to keep your family safe first and foremost.
If all else fails, maybe you could take the kids camping or something for a week, and let dh have the house with his kids.
Just a few thoughts. I hope I at least got you thinking about some of your options.
The kids can't come to my home again.. The son can but his mother won't allow it. I believe in a few years he will be asking to live with his father, because his home life isn't very welcoming. The little girl can never come again, not while my kids are under 18.. I have a 20 year old and a 16 year old a 13 year old and a 12 and 11 year old. My 13 year old is 6ft 4inches.. 220lbs but my 12 and 11 year old are her size and for their safety I just can't allow them alone at any time together. They don't need the crap in their lives. They have been raised NEVER to touch or harm a girl and I never want them to be put into a position of having to defend themselves from a seriously angry girl. I have encouraged their step Dad to go see his kids alone in Seattle when we drive from Florida to Washington for our summer vacation.. bummer thing is I have to drive him 107 miles leaving my kids with relatives for the day. I don't want to even meet this woman.. I don't have any desire to get to know someone so hateful. But something will be worked out. I don't want his daughter going camping and the kids don't want her to go either.
This is OUR summer vacation costing us thousands of dollars and spending it in fear just isn't a cool otpion. But from the emails the X wife has been sending it doesn't sound like she wants to go camping with us.. I can only hope.. at least in the mountains my entire family from washington will be there for a family reunion and the kids will have their cousins and aunts and uncles to spend time with so my love can spend time with his kids. But it still just isn't sitting with me right. PRAYING FOR RAIN!!!!