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Phone call

Andyandme's picture

SO and I are having another big argument, and I just need to vent. Last night we were on a red eye flying back to California. It's about 12:30 am and I see him texting his kids mom and telling her to let their daughter know that he loves his daughter , now I don't mind him texting the mom about his daughter but midnight??? Really? I know he gets anxiety and really scared before he flys but I just don't think texting the mom at midnight when we all know his daughter is asleep and won't get the message till the morning... I don't know why I am reacting this way he keeps repeating I have daddy issues and I can't except his relationship with his daughter who is 6. He said he would fix the problem by getting her an iPhone so he doesn't have to text or call the mom when he wants to speak to his little girl.. Ugh I'm sick to my stomach and damn maybe he's right maybe I do have daddy issues an maybe Im really wrong about the way I feel. He wants me to see someone about this issue so that they can help me realize this is what dads to.


Hanny's picture

Probably bothers you because in a previous blog you said BM send him pics of her. But then again maybe if he is an anxious flyer, he just maybe wanted to let his daughter know he loved her in case the plane went down. I do think you need to see a counselor to figure out whether you want to stay in this relationship or not. You seem to be having a very difficult time with his 6 year old. And as other posters on here have told you, it's not going to get any better if he doesn't make changes. And it seems that he has no intentions of making any changes. Imagine what it will be like when she gets into her teens. It will be even more difficult for you to watch. I think he has the daddy issues.

Andyandme's picture

Sigh, I think I will look for professional counselling and see if they can help me understand my issues.. Thanks ladies.

nothinforya's picture

You, my dear, are normal. SO has the issues. Your issue is that it feels uncomfortable to be gaslighted. Google it. You will find that your reactions to such treatment are normal. To remain in this relationship, you will have to chameleon yourself into someone you are not. Is it really worth it?