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Struggling stepmum's Blog

Ring off and SD13 banned from the house

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After yesterday's antics and my refusal to be dragged into it I am now refusing to wear my ring until H starts to treat me like I feel a wife that he says he loves should be treated. He has admitted his guilt for yesterday and apologised, said he knows he has to stop calling me nasty names and has emailed SD13 to say respect our marriage or don't come over. All of these are the first time EVER that H has admitted any wrong doing for anything. He doesn't even k ow that I have read the email he sent. But maybe I'm being a pessimist but he could have had this sudden change two years ago.

Want to rewind and change my mind!!!

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If I could erase the last four years I would happily give the four years up. Oh except for my baby, not my lovely boy. I hate being a stepmum and a second wife. I will do my best to stop any of my children becoming a step parent. On a plus note, BM has decided to whisk all four skids away for a whole month!!!! Yippee, I had to contain my gleeness when my H told me. I am going to celebrate tomorrow with a bottle if vodka, my sister and enjoy my break. I almost feel like staying awake for a month to get the full benefit !!

It's all mine actually.

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I have beaten myself to bits this evening over BM dramatic nonsense. But you know what. H says the skids will come and see us when ready and if it wasn't me it would be someone else. The woman is a loony. If m marriage fails and I get arrested, well? I'm sure I can sell myself well enough to date and avoid jail. My best friend laughed and laughed when I phoned and told her. She said anyone that knows or speaks to you will see or know that you are not that person. According to her I present myself as too nice??? Doormat I think she means.

OMG!!!! I'm now the abusive stepmum?????

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After lulling me into a false sense of security, my BM has surpassed herself. My poor SD 10 has been ordered and had to contact her dad, my H, and tell him that she is no longer allowed to see him while he's married to me! SD13 has done a fantastic number on me. Now to her defence we did have some awful arguments. H and I mostly where she got insulted. Some she heard some my H told her. But he does NOT deserve this. Neither do I. My heart breaks for my poor SD10. She adores her dad and has worked hard to overcome her jealousy towards me.

Got what I wanted, is it too late???

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SD going back to BM n a strop has woken H out of his coma! He keeps saying I can't believe I nearly ruined our marriage over her brattiness! Music to my ears you would think?? No!! I don't really care. I just can't seem to drop back into happy wife mode. Case of be careful what you ask for I think !!!!

This getting boring now!!!!

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Cannot believe how cold I have become. I looked at my H tonight and thought I love the man you used to be. But if you don't rapidly turn back into him I am going to lose all feeling for you! Just knowing that I am not the awful SM he has told me I was has given me back my self esteem. I can see the end is near. What a crying shame really. Wonder how I will know that today is the day.

Why is he still here if I'm so bad???

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Well that lasted long!!! BD daughter came back yesterday from a 5 day trip. Knew he was brewing yesterday. Sadly H has become predictable. BD10 has turned into a tweenie recently. My attitude is ignore it and don't reward. I have full support from BD. H is still smarting from SD leaving. Suppose if he can't have his D with us then my D is not getting away with anything!! Bringing up behaviour and attitude ( mostly back chatting and attempted refusal to do something) from last week. She was made to do what I asked off her own back she apologised to both of us. Done as far as I'm concerned.

Whatever SD and H!!!

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Wish I had found step talk 2 years ago. In the last week I have recovered my self esteem, realised I am not in need of a mental health team and read that my problems are are a worldwide step mum problem. I have now got myself a counsellor ( for me only) and am feling strong again. There are improvements in my marriage. But if they don't last I know I will be ok. Don't know yet what my future holds but whatever it is thank you, thank you for the advice, support and general ass kicking that you have all given me.
