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step off already's Blog

Got Some Good Advice From a Friend Today

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While venting to a friend, who also struggles with some skid issues, she said something that got me thinking:

You didn't raise him so you can't expect him to be as great as your kids. DH raised him and he has to live with the way he turns out.

It helped me relax at the time and I really liked what she said.

DH is Butt Hurt because I Excluded SS13 today

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... and he'd NEVER exclude my kids.

Well, DH, that's because my kids treat you very well, have manners, and are fun to be around.

Shoot me if I took some time off to take care of the kids during spring break - yours included. It's not my fault that your son is too cool for us and wants to go spend two nights with his cousins. And you even said, "It's fine with me and it'll get him out of your hair."

DH knew last night that I was taking the kids to the amusement park today. He knew when he let SS stay at his cousins's for the second night in a row.

Why does this bother me so much?

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We got SS a tablet for his bday. My boys put some of their holiday money together and went in halvsies to get one that they share. It took me at least a week before I set them up with email addresses, google accounts, etc so that they could download apps, etc.

SS got his device on Saturday when it arrived in the mail. We told him to familiarize himself with the device, read the directions, etc and that we'd set up the extra features at another time. Actually, I'll be the one setting it up since DH has no clue.

SS13 Returns from a Crummy Easter with BM and we don't even get a "thank you"

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So SS13 had his first Easter with mom in about 8 years. My three kids were home with DH and I for the entire weekend. We had SS13's bday party on Sat morning with his friends at the bowling alley and came home to regroup before taking him to our half way meeting point at 5.

I ALWAYS do Easter baskets for my kids and an egg hunt. The kids look forward to finding the "BIG EGG" and start talking about it a few days before Easter as we pull out all the eggs and start to get ready for it.

Hey BM, Put Down the Blunt Before You Text my DH

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BM is such an idiot to start with but she's also a MAJOR pot head.

We provided her a letter a week ago with changes to the standard schedule based on upcoming holidays and summer with pick up times and locations, all per the court order.

Even though she already tried to argue with DH about one of the items noted in it last week - which we promptly explained and clarified for her, she decided to send DH SEVERAL text messages yesterday letting him know all of the places where he messed up in the schedule. He ignored her texts.

SS and BM - sometimes things just seem weird

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Last night, one of the gifts we gave SS for his bday was a card with some Xbox points. It also had a code to unlock something special for a game that he has at his mom's.

He was like, "oh, that game's at mom's", DH told him to bring it over and SS said that she won't let him. I said, "well, just take the card to your mom's and use it over there". He has had his Xbox taken away over here anyway, and we don't let him play much over here so it really doesn't matter to me in the least.

Could SS13 Be Any More of an Entitled Brat?

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Yesterday was SS's bday. My BS and BD each had ball games that I was planning on attending and I encouraged DH to take SS out for a special dinner and fun night.

So before we all left for the night, we let SS open his presents: a tablet, some stuff to clean his face (LOL) and a card with some Xbox points. A few minutes after he opens them, he asks if there are more presents to open. :jawdrop:

BM's PASin Makes Me Literally want to BARF

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So BM's EOWe visits always come with something fun - her PAS!

This week, SS13 told us all about how he's scared to play tackle football and is afraid he'll get hurt. This is AFTER BM found out she would have to drive him 3 times a week during summer to his practice. She tries to talk the kid into believing he doesn't want to play.

This is AFTER she talked him out of basketball and after she talked him out of baseball - just so she won't have to drive the kid anywhere.

I guess I'm not done venting for the day

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So, I've been trying to back off a bit from the "parenting" of SS and have been directing him to ask his father or alerting his father when SS is doing something he shouldn't be so that DH can handle it.

Funny thing is that I will still be sitting right next to DH and SS will come up to me and ask if he can do something. For example, we were at DD's game last night and SS13 walked right up to me and asked if he could call his mom later. I asked him why he was asking me and that he should ask his dad.
