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step off already's Blog

It Had Been Bugging Me All Day

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So after thinking it through, I decided to let DH know that I was pretty upset that SS13 did not even acknowledge me AT ALL during Mother's Day weekend.

I let him know that something was bothering me and I brought up Mother's Day. He immediately asked if it was because he didn't get me anything and I said, "well, you didn't even get me a card" though he did help my kids with their breakfast in bed, etc that they made for me. He got a little defensive and stated that I don't give him any money, blah, blah, blah.

My Mother's Day as a BM and SM

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Sat afternoon I picked up some cards for my children's SM and the Grandmas. I had my all the kids sign the grandma cards and my bios sign the card for their SM and we picked up a nice orchid to give her as well. (We had sent the grandmas flowers earlier in the week). SM has been in the kids's lives for about 5 years but has just recently married their father so I wanted to make sure I recognized her. Plus, I've seen her doing quite a bit for the kids this year and wanted to make sure she knew I appreciated it. SS had already purchased something for his mother.

DH Just Filed a Police Report Against BM

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We have a restraining order against her that includes no electronic messages. The only exception is that there may be "peaceful contact regarding court-ordered visitation". This order was granted in July or August of this year.

BM basically ignores it and texts DH when she wants. We sent her a letter in March reminding her of the order and letting her know we'd press charges should she continue to break the order and that we would no longer let it slide. At that time she backed of, but SURPRISE: little by little, she has upped her texting.

The Difference Between DD12 and SS13: Lots of Parenting

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So DD officially turned 12 like two months ago and has pretty much started testing her limits - normal teen aged stuff. Now, this is a very sheltered, sweet, kind and caring girl. So her "testing" is really nothing compared to what I've seen with SS13 or when I used to teach 6th and 7th grade.

SS13 Returns from School Trip - update

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We picked up SS13 from his trip last night. It sounds like it was a very impactfull trip for him and that he was very well behaved. But of course, the fact that he can behave, still doesn't change who he is. Here were two of his best lines:

- His dad asked him jokingly what he brought home for us. SS starts, "well, it's a long story" and goes on to tell us that he bought us some key chains, but they either got lost or stolen. He swears. But at least he got himself a sweatshirt, two hats and a present for his mom for mother's day. (He seriously said that).

Sniff Sniff... I Smell BM Gearing Up to Pull something

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According to SS13, BM got in a car accident, car is totalled, she's in pain, blah blah blah. Of course it was NOT her fault and I'm sure she's already looking for a settlement.

Since she now has no vehicle and we live an hour away from BM, I anticipate that transportation may come up during one of SS's next visits. This Saturday night, we are supposed to meet halfway for her Mother's Day visit. I'm sure she'll get that one handled by borrowing her GF's car.

Leave it to BM to Make SS13's Goodbye All About Her Being a Victim

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SS13 gave BM a call on his way to the airport. This is his first time on a plane, the first time away from family and he's been pretty scared about it.

So he calls BM to say goodbye and BM tells SS13 that she's been in a car accident, she's been in the hospital, her car is totalled, and her neck hurts - POOR BM! Of course SS13 then feels sorry for BM and becomes even more paranoid about hopping on the plane.

Maybe it's another DUI.

Update on SS13's Trip

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Well, I took the time to speak with SS's teacher to get a very clear idea on what has gone on the past week in regards to his homework. She stated that he has been completing the work and that the other teachers are happy with his improvement.


I guess my dropping him off at school and telling him to go inside and finish whatever needs to be completed instead of playing on the play ground for 30 minutes before school starts actually paid off. Or maybe it was my final threat that he wouldn't be going on the trip if the homework wasn't in. Not really sure.

What Would You Do? SS13 STILL Not Doing HW and Trip is this Weekend

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Part of our deal with SS13 was that he would write down his HW assignments in his notebook and that he'd complete all of his homework in order to go on his School Trip this weekend. It is a 5 day trip across the country that all 15 of the 7th and 8th graders at his school will be attending.

This week, he has neglected to turn in a science project on time (left it at home), and has not had one night where he has completed his homework or even bothered to write his assignments down.

We've told him that he won't be going on the trip if he doesn't fix the problem, but...

Update on BM bringing SS13's $ to School and Her MOTY Gift of Socks

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Well, as predicted, BM did NOT bring all of SS13's money to the school so SS13 still owes about $60. He also owes an extra $14 a box of candy that he "sold" but did not turn all the money in for. So, he had to cough up the money to pay the school the balance for his trip this Saturday. Poor kid now has less than $40 left for spending money for 5 days.
