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step off already's Blog

Poor BM. She's such a dumb A**

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So, BM received her copy of the mediator's report yesterday afternoon (while she was sitting on her couch, smoking pot and waiting for her 5 hour work week to begin).

The report makes her look very bad and is totally in DH's favor. So what does she do? She tries to get DH angry by "accidentally" sending him texts meant for another man. (Yes, if you've read my previous posts, she is in a relationship with a woman, but she is a notorious cheater and liar, so she always often has a new fling here and there).

Well, I spoke too soon

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Just when I thought I was the lucky one with a supportive DH, I see that that's not the case.

He decided that even though SS13 needed to get a perfect report on homework last week in order to be taken off of tv/electronics restriction (for not doing hw) that since he only turned in one assignment in late that he did good enough and went and took him off.
