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Could SS13 Be Any More of an Entitled Brat?

step off already's picture

Yesterday was SS's bday. My BS and BD each had ball games that I was planning on attending and I encouraged DH to take SS out for a special dinner and fun night.

So before we all left for the night, we let SS open his presents: a tablet, some stuff to clean his face (LOL) and a card with some Xbox points. A few minutes after he opens them, he asks if there are more presents to open. :jawdrop:

Thankfully, DH laid into him immediately, letting him know how much the things he had in front of him cost, how much it was going to cost to go out that night and how much his bday party with all his friends was going to cost on Saturday and WTF - could he be more spoiled?!

The kid was serious too.


TASHA1983's picture

It would take every ounce of self control in me NOT to smack the shit out of his ungrateful, selfish ass!!! FOR REAL!!!

step off already's picture

I was about to lay into the ingrate, but didn't have to since DH jumped right in. I was shocked that he would say such a thing after just being handed such nice things.

RedWingsFan's picture

Exactly like stepdevil14. She begged for a shopping spree when she turned 13 to buy all new 'grown up' clothes. DH took her on said spree. She picked out babyish clothes that you'd see a 3rd grader wearing in elementary school (t shirts with kittens and hearts on them, jeans with smiley faces on the butt, socks with cartoon characters). He spent $150. Once the shopping spree was over and she had all of her clothes, she then asked "well, where are my presents from YOU?"

"HUH????????????????? Did you not just see the money I forked out for you?" He actually was surprised. LOL I laughed. I said "I guess all those babyish clothes you picked out were free, eh?"

step off already's picture

We are having a Bowling Party for friends and family - 2 hours in and out, some cake, family, and a few friends from school. I work very hard to help this boy "fit in" to his new school and to do things for him that his mother never did so that he feels similar to my children.

But I did NOT want him to be hosting his friends at my house. He doesn't have manners himself and I was not going to let him set the tone for a bunch of 13 / 14 year olds in MY HOUSE! Nope.

Two hours of bowling was a GREAT idea as far as I was concerned.

RedWingsFan's picture

Got ya. I was just curious as most birthday parties for kids stop around age 10, then they have one at their sweet sixteen and then high school grad party.

I know when I was growing up, 10 was my last "kids party" and then my parents would take me to dinner at a restaurant of my choice, then at home they'd have cake and presents. I've done the same with my daughter.

Just doesn't make sense to me to buy a kid a bunch of expensive gifts and then allow a party as well. Unless you have the funds and WANT to do it, sure.

step off already's picture

Yes. I've been rethinking and trying to remember what we did in my family growing up. I think from ages 11-13 or so, I would go somewhere like an amusement park with a friend or two and then we started having slumber parties. After that, I think it was dinner out with the family and maybe a friend, pizza at the house with friends, etc.

DD12 is very social and likes parties.
SS13 is spoiled and wants everything.
DS10 is not social at all and likes anything that will allow him to work on his own.
DS8 is very social, but also very "go with the flow" and would be happy to spend a day with me on his own or have a big BBQ.

RedWingsFan's picture

To me, the gifts he got, plus dinner AND a party just seem like a bit overboard, but to each their own right?

I just posted on another blog about birthdays that I'm going to be throwing my DD15 a little "party" when she gets here on Easter Sunday. Her dad is a neglectful ass and didn't even get her a cake last month for her 15th birthday. He simply handed her a card with a couple of $25 gift cards in it, said "happy birthday" and went about his business.

So, I'll have her favorite chinese food waiting at the airport (she arrives around dinner time) and then have a small cake and gift at home for her. Her dad is just an insensitive ass.

step off already's picture

Oh, I agree. It was overboard.

and he was still looking for more.

step off already's picture

EXACTLY! My DD12 just had a bday and I took her to Justice to purchase an outfit (less than $50), bought her some new shoes (less than $50) and a speaker for her ipod ($20). Her party was a slumber party, so we bought food for the girls AND THAT WAS IT!

I always send the kids to school with cupcakes or cookies on their birthday, so I made sure SS13 had some to bring also (this is something that never happened before living with a single dad). And wouldn't you KNOW it? BM decided to bring him a boquet of balloons and a giant box of cupcakes from the bakery. BUT THIS IS THE BEST PART: the kids go to a very small private school and they know we have a restraining order against BM and that she is ONLY allowed to pick up SS on 2 days out of the month. They didn't let her go deliver the stuff to his class and he didn't even know who they were from. (In your face BM!)

Of course, I had SS call his mom when he got home to say thank you, but I LOVED that he had no idea who they were from.

step off already's picture

This is what I try to do with my kids too. (Of course SS is an exception).

My BS10 had a bday a few months ago and as we talked about his bday which is right around Xmas, and the amount of money we would spend on gifts, party, etc - he actually decided that he wanted to do a free candy factory tour with the family, go to a Benihana-type restaraunt with the family and get a certain gift. He skipped the party all together (which was totally fine by mama).

My poor BS8 has had so few bday parties that I feel sorry for the little guy. His bday is during memorial weekend and is also during a very busy time of year for our family with sports and end of year activities. We also have about 5 other family friends that are around his age that have bdays around the same time. If I'm not on it, and don't plan something right away, the weekends are usually packed. This year HE wants a slumber party with all of his friends. Lord help me!

hismineandours's picture

We did big bday parties until about 13-but if they were having a big bday party-they did not really get a present from us-maybe 25.00 cash or something as they got a lot of gifts from friends and family and the party in and of itself was the gift.

My two oldest are 13 and 15-so they have also graduated to the dinner out-maybe one friend spend the night and maybe a 100.00 gift.

My kids, even though I do spoil them at times, would be more than overjoyed with a tablet, xbox points, dinner out with family, AND a bowling party.

3familiesIn1's picture

OMG - ungrateful, i really really dislike ungrateful. At Christmas, SS7 opened his 'big' gift and tore half the paper off it, looked up and said, i didn't ask for this and i dont' want it, then left it, didn't finish unwrapping it, never opened it, just shoved it aside and looked for something else to open. I don't know if DH even saw or if it would have mattered if he did but I was seething....

Jsmom's picture

That was way too much. All that does is continue to make these kids feel they should get and get. Unappreciative!

My SS is always grateful for what he gets, but he is easy and asks for nothing. SD always had a hand out looking for whatever she could get. With BS18 for him it was either a party or a gift. Never both. He got so much from his aunts and grandparents that someone had to be the voice of reason with him. So as mom, I was it. Prodigal child for everyone in the family since his dad passed away when he was little and he was the only grandchild for many years. Love him to death, but his entitled-ness is a constant battle because of the extended family. He is already counting on all the money for graduation sustaining him his freshman year. Drives me nuts.

I would start to limit him on birthdays going forward. Three gifts is too many and then a party. This kid is going to think the world revolves around him....