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Pick up

Scorpiomum1111's picture

My husband always makes me feel like shit when I decided not to pick up his daughter. He wants to deer hunt sat and we have to pick her up around 8am. Any suggestions on what to say when he asked why I won't help him out? 


justmakingthebest's picture

Last time I checked I did not push her out of my body... so you should really make plans to handle YOUR kid.

Or, if you want to be more PC... Sorry honey, with all of the holiday stress and prep and now clean up, I just need to have a break. 

Daisymazy2's picture

She is your daughter and she needs/wants to spend time with you.  You have 3 options.  1.  You can contact BM to schedule a different pick-up time or cancel your visitation.  2. Cancel your trip  3.  Take YOUR daughter with you.   You ARE her father,  you should  WANT to spend time with her.  


tog redux's picture

"She's not coming over here to see me, she's coming to see you. Please plan to pick her up later after you are done hunting."

Your real problem is that your husband makes you feel like sh!t if you don't put his interests first.

Ursula's picture

It's not "we" have to pick her up at 8 am.  It's "he".  It's HIS daughter and HIS responsibility.  I wouldn't even be able to be nice about this to him but I've been through this with my husband.  If his daughter is here, then he is here.  That is the end of it.  No social outing with his buddies if it's his parenting time with his kid.  The only time I will watch her is if he is working late and even then I really hate it. 

Can you just make plans and tell him you're not available?

lieutenant_dad's picture

"I'm your wife, not SD's mother or babysitter. SD is here to spend time with you, but if you aren't going to be available, I suggest you call a babysitter. SD is your responsibility, not mine."

Scorpiomum1111's picture

Funny you say that. I stated they it's not my responsibility to pick her up. He stated in a what it is since your my wife and knew I had a daughter when we got married. 

The_Upgrade's picture

Ask him what is the connection between knowing that he had a daughter vs signing yourself up for nanny services through marriage. Did he know that you had nieces and nephews before marrying you? Does marrying you mean they gain an extra parent too? 

justmakingthebest's picture

Right DH- when we got married. I married you, not your kids. They have 2 parents and I am not one of them.

Stepdrama2020's picture

Do not allow him to let you feel like shit. Thats step number one. Hold fast and hard onto that.  " If you rather hunt than spend time with your daughter thats your choice. Its your obligation as a father to spend time with her, not mine" Make him feel like shit instead.


Merry's picture

Helping him out is one thing, but it's not this. He's asking you to cover for him because he's decided that he'd rather go hunting than spend this time with his child.

And why does he want you to cover for him? Because he doesn't want to make the BM mad? Or inconvenience himself by asking the BM for a different pickup time? Or have to give up something fun for a responsibility?

There is no reason at all that you should feel badly about not picking up his daughter. She's not coming to see you, it's inconvenient for you, you have other plans or you are enjoying having no plans. IT'S NOT ON YOU if he's upset. It's absolutely on him. Women sometimes turn themselves inside out so that their partner doesn't get mad or upset about something -- that's just not what a partnership is.


Exjuliemccoy's picture

Your H plans to go hunting the day after Christmas, during his visitation time, and wants to dump his kid on you??! What an a$$hole.

Throughout our lives, people try to take advantage of us. It's particularly sucky when one of those people happens to be your spouse, but you should shut it down in the same fashion. You need stand up for yourself and not allow your H to gaslight or guilt you into being his nanny. Be direct and unemotional, draw your boundary (I really like what ltdad and Stepdrama2020 suggested), and end the conversation. Don't allow your H to draw you back in, don't justify or explain. If anything, guilt HIM and make HIM feel like poo by pointing out that SD's needs come first and he should want to spend time with his kid.

Men respect strength, so be firm and direct. He may bluster and pout, but it's about teaching him how to treat you. Don't let him use you.


halo1998's picture

I didn't f*ck and create it...and I sure didn't push it out my c*nt...therefore I don't have any responsiblity to it.

Too sad..I guess Bambi will live another day.

BethAnne's picture

I don't run a taxi service/drive uber and a child care buisness. If I did, I would be charging you tripple time for holiday pay. As it is, I would rather have my free time than run around after your kid, just as you would rather hunt than spend time with your kid. 

mommadukes2015's picture

Rule Numero Uno of Step Life: Any help that is given by the step, must be done so freely and of the step's own choosing and is never ever implied. Sorry DH.