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Scorpiomum1111's Blog

Husband has already made is mind up of SD moving back in.

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Not even sure where to start with out this turning into a novel. SD moved out back in May and was 17. (She just turned 18 a month ago) Moved in with some boy and a few friends that she has known for a few months at that time. Reason for moving out since she did have it good at her moms is she did not like the rules. Well love everyone has rules in some form or fashion. Anyway, SD found out boyfriend was cheating on her multiple times and now she is done. She has no car because BM took that away from her and SD has no job. She drinks, smokes weed and vapes.

SD Moving out and taking what she wants!

Scorpiomum1111's picture

I know I have been MIA on this yet another issue has arrised. SD is moving out next week. She has been bounsing from friends house to friends house since she is only 17. (BM kicked her out and we would not let her move in). SD came over last night which was the first time in about two months. She was making comments on the things she is going to take from our house that his hers. Like her bed set and clothes. When talking with my husband I agreed since we really have no need for it and its really no worth selling.

SD selling my clothes

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Sd Has been staying with us for a week. I went into her room today and found a pair of jeans of mine. How I know these were mine... well I have been putting my initials on all my cloths. These jeans had a washed out letter in whitch was my initials. I have been missing these jeans for a while and she had a suite case of clothes in which these were in. She has been taking shit from me for years. Come to find out she has a Instagram account in which she sells things she no longer wants. I am blocked from this account because most of the things she is selling are things I owned.

Pick up

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My husband always makes me feel like shit when I decided not to pick up his daughter. He wants to deer hunt sat and we have to pick her up around 8am. Any suggestions on what to say when he asked why I won't help him out? 

Not sure what to do! Need advise.

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I do not know what to do, nor have many people to talk to about this. For over a year my husband has been really insecure of himself and seems to be taking it out on me. I feel like at lest once a month it’s a broke recorded. He got so upset with me when I went out on Saturday asking me what time I came him. I told him around 2:15 2:30 and he was like the bars close at 2. I told him we had to walk to back to the car and that he could call my friend whom I was hanging out with. He then stated that I do not pay attention to my surroundings and that he was upset on the outfit I wore.

Over it All

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Please read or ask if you have questions on past background. SD is back to her old ways. Since we have been back from CO she has only came over one time. We had a rona scare this past week and all were tested and it came back neg. We ended up not being able to see her on her bday in which she was super upset.... thought that was funny because she never wants to come over. Well we had a Bday dinner for her this weekend in which DH suggested her to bring her BF with knowing he has only meet him once out of three months of dating and that he could come over and have a fire.

Dealing with Friends whom do not have step kids.

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I have a few friends that do not have any step kids… One of them thinks its not right of me to not have any photos of my SD on my social media. For one.. its my right and my page. Two she is not my blood and if you have read my previous blogs, I am sure you would agree on certain things I do or do not do. Third, she really has no room to talk about she only has a daughter and does not understand what its like to be a Step Parent.

"Family Trip"

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So we are leaving tomorrow on a family trip and SD is coming with knowing she has not stayed at our house for over a few months. We have her every other weekend and if you have read my past post she has been wanting to stay at other peoples house instead of ours. Now that we are going out of town she wants to be a part of the family. I really pisses me off how my Husband allows her to do what ever she wants. He givers her that option to come and go when she please and I asked him about it today.
