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Is there a Disillusionment Phase for Re-marriages?

Regretful1's picture

...because I think I am in it! Personal history: My ex and I were best friends and were married for 12 years. He was very 'in touch with his feelings'...a sensitive guy (almost like a woman, really). We had no real 'problems' other than we were more like brother and sister than husband and fact we ONLY had sex in order to have our 2 children. We even slept in other bedrooms...but we were best friends...i divorced him because I wanted to be married to someone who I was IN LOVE with, was attracted to, and I didn't want to be celebate the rest of my life (I was 32 at the time.) Fast I am married to a man who is the COMPLETE opposite! DH is VERY masculine and stereo-typically fact, he is pretty chauvanistic...admittedly thinks he is always right and admittedly isn't very sensitive. My delimma is that I miss the connectedness we had while dating...things change when you get married...we actually don't get to spend as much time together as we did, he is busier at work...add step-children issues and ex-wife issues...and he isn't out to 'win me over' anymore...and I am now feeling a bit let down. Maybe this is how 'normal' marriages are, but I am used to a more connected/sharing sort of marriage...and this feels like we are just room-mates in comparison! I just want him to talk to me some, but he is almost incapable, I think...and the added resentments (from issues with steps/ex's) make it hard for both of us to open up lately...I guess this is just the whole 'honeymoon period' (is there one in a second marriage?!) wearing off...but I am finding myself feeling really dis-illusioned and sad. I just have grown tired of feeling disappointed, so if I stop caring, then I won't feel disappointed...I KNOW this is dangerous thinking...I am just putting my feelings out there...anyone else ever felt this way? How did you get thru it (yes, we are going to counseling). Does it get better?? It seems like the step-kids/ex's just suck all the life and energy out of our relationship because we have to have so many discussions and decisions to make regarding dealing with them/rules/etc...


SerendipitySM's picture

Regretful, my fiancee and I went through a period like this once we moved in together and got settled. Sometimes, I still get a little disappointed when I feel like he isn't doing as much for me as I do for him. Earlier this week he surprised the hell out of me by getting up early and making me breakfast before work. Continue to talk to him about this and bring it up in one of your counseling sessions to help him understand how you feel. I think that all relationships go through something like this at one time or another, especially if you have been together for a long time.
My fiancee also is not a big "talker" like I am and he will sometimes get frustrated with me for wanting to discuss every little issue but I always feel it is better to deal with a issue, discuss it and then move on - I hate sweeping things under the rug. I too am in counseling in order to help me deal with the issues of resentment I have over his past and to help me better convey my feelings to him instead of just ripping him a new one. I do think that this will pass if you you both work together to stay connected. Do you two have a date night every week or a movie night - where you 2 can spend some alone time everyweek to just have fun or talk?

Regretful1's picture

Yes, we have one night a week that we are 'kidless' is hard sometimes to relax and enjoy each other if you have build up a bunch of things you need to talk about, and I'm like about issues, then move on....but don't sweep under the rug. But gotta find balance where not always talking about some issue everytime many issues, so little alone time!!!

luvdagirl's picture

I so had the same feelings, the last several years our communication skills have improved drastically- I think it takes time especially with so many of our complications to figure out the roles, and understand we do not(nor dhs) have to agree with the way each other feel(lack of this idea is alot of why I think there is so much tension on subjects) but we do have to try to "appreciate"(lack of better word) their feelings and try to come to a middle ground, where neither of you feel thrown under a train.
Marriage is hard, marriages with pre existing family is a whole nother story.

best wishes.
There is no reason where logic does not exist

KittyKat's picture

The GOOD thing about being a "newbie" to this website is that you
just don't hold anything back. I love that. Everyone just tells it like it is, and it's the perfect and ONLY way to vent. I don't know if this is true for you, but the BAD thing is, after holding SO MUCH FRUSTRATION IN FOR SO LONG, once you finally DO let loose, it's like
a volcano. The lava just keeps spewing and you find yourself feeling
all kinds of things.

Two weeks ago, I was just ready to WALK. After having an awesome weekend with DH, ONCE AGAIN, TWO ADULT SDs made me feel like a piece of dirt. Again, DH told me I was making something out of nothing, basically just siding with them, AGAIN.

My heart was once again BROKEN. One day he's calling me his "best friend", then the next day he really doesn't care HOW I feel because the MEDDLERS have once again pulled "daddy" away from the "bitch".
Who needs this aggravation???

I SO relate to how you feel. In my case, it's hard to talk when, like SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE SAID ON THIS SITE, he's too DUMB to realize
these "girls" are spoiled, MEAN, and manipulative. And, it has been a real wake-up call from MANY that maybe I should think twice about staying with him. We've only been married three years. (I know it has been less for you). As far as I'm concerned, with no "little kids" in the house, our WHOLE LIFE should be a honeymoon period.

Sometimes it IS and it's great. As I've mentioned endlessly, only THREE NASTY WITCHES change things by injecting their VENOM. Venting WILL OPEN up a huge can of emotions, as you well know. And, I think we all feel so SAFE HERE, that we just let it all out.

So vent away, my friend. We'll all work it out somehow!!

stamina's picture

Keep things in perspective and take care of you. Your feelings are very normal. It isn't about the sks though, it is the man's choice to tolerate his children's behaviour. I learned that the hard way. In the end, you will suffer, the kids will suffer and then hubby will wonder what the hell happen when he is alone. I am not sure of the answer: I still have lots of questions myself about remarriage and WHY I THOUGHT THIS WAS NECESSARY IN MY LIFE???

Most Evil's picture

marriage so don't have anything to compare it to, never really had a real serious relationship or lived with a man before DH. But I think all marriages go thru something similar and it must make it even harder to have another happy relationship to compare it to.

I have often struggled with wanting more 'me' time which does not seem compatible to being married somehow? like tonight I am so excited because DH has a meeting and won't be home til late, so I can get on StepTalk in peace!! To me he needs more outside hobbies! Maybe it takes time to figure out how you two will handle things, free time, skids, communication. We have been married six years now and it does get better over time.

Our first step toward a long marriage was getting a king size bed! I could not breathe because DH was sleeping on top of me! and I felt claustrophobic. So little things like that will make it better. Don't give up yet, you owe it to yourself and him to give it a fair shot if you can. Of course that is easy for me to say, but to me it does get better. But it did make me sad to think, the honeymoon's over, but it has gotten different but better over time.

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

debiamia's picture

I feel like it is fairly common realizing after the wedding and "honeymoon phase" that you are not in this marriage alone, you have the BM cross force, may have feelings of being left out or your bio kids are treated differently than skids. I actually went to the doctor because I was so anxious about the transition. The kind man who had been practicing medicine for 40 years told me it was normal and the "blending" may take years to accomplish. Thirteen years later I know he was right. I too, cherish my alone time and time spent with just my daughter.