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Clear the air

RandomOne's picture

I honestly feel like I have culture shock when he comes over sometimes. We have my ss8 this weekend and I just want to get things off my chest -

for one, he is spoiled. His relatives lives revolve around him. the will go to 3 or 4 stores every Friday to find a toy he doesn't have in his current 'fad.' first it was marvel heros, legos and now skylanders. wth?! I was lucky if I got a Barbie or lego's once every couple moths. this annoys my guy but we cant control what doesn't happen around us. I honestly think his relatives are over compensating for his mother not being around, but in turn this is making him into a brat.

this kid doesn't use his brain. to be fair, he hasn't had to the other days of the month he isn't with us, but still. he can read better than most his age and he is smart but when he wants to be. he refuses to use context clues or use what we tell him to figure stuff out - annoying.

he complains when we run errands. he will sit on the ground because his legs hurt from walking 'so much.' are you serious? up until high school I had to walk everywhere or ride a bus. what's funny is that after a long hard day of shopping at some hardware stores he amazingly gets the energy to run around the house and play his 'game.' (I think its him pretending to be a super hero.. idk, ive never asked..)his dad and I just tell him to suck it up and stop whining.

he isn't self reliant. don't get me wrong, he shouldn't be expected to make and bake a cake or know how to repair the sink yet. I mean - he was 7 before he got his own glass of juice. one random day he comes out of his room and says he's thirsty, my response was - then get something to drink. he looked at me lost then he blinks. a big smile on his face 'really?'... 'yes s8, get a glass and pour yourself a drink.' no, I was joking, let me stop what I am doing to get you a drink... he was 7 before he learned how to rinse off a plate, make his room and use a vacuum. I don't think we really seen this till the juice incident but ever since we have been making him do stuff that he should know.
when I was seven I was at home watching tv while my mother was at work (during the summer). I made my own ramen to eat and made cool aide (does it count when there's more sugar than water?). I knew how to clean up and fold the laundry.

he is starting to lie. about stupid stuff! did you make your bed? yes. ok, let me look. oh, one moment! (comes back like nothing happened and the door is open). smh. did you wash your hands? yeah. I didn't hear the faucet turn on. ok... (walks back to the bath room). or the dumbest - sitting at the dinner table, he farts. my guy gets on to him after s8 laughs and thinks its funny. its not, its gross. fast forward a couple minuets and my guy is at the sink rinsing off dishes, leaving his brother, me and s8. he farts again! I look at him quick and notice a smile start then stop after realizing it wasn't funny. me and bil look at each other while my guy bluntly asked if he farted - NO I didn't fart, I promise. bil and I just look at my guy in the 'don't even ask us' expression. stupid stuff like this annoys me.

its just hard for me to get over how unprepared this kid is and I know its hard for him with his dad and me trying to teach him. neither one of us has any patience. yes, we are the strict parents that has to deal with the relaxed ways his relatives let him live. when I say strict I mean we expect him to do what he is told the first time, no questions asked. we want him to pick up his room and surprise! keep his mouth closed when he eats. my in laws try to be stern with him, but they only see him so much. so it is left for his dad and I to fight this up hill battle.


RedWingsFan's picture

Stepdevil14 couldn't find her way out of a paper's the generation of "mommy and daddy will do everything for me so I don't have to learn myself"!

Shook's picture

YES!!!! And many more like her.
You may want to get a clicker while you're at it too }:)

RandomOne's picture

Haha my SS - does that with the laundry every time he takes a shower. I.just want to tell him, if it changes I will tell you. It just doesn't His head because he isn't here all the time and his.relatives do.everything for him. He still has issues tiring And the part that posses me off, he doesn't ever say thank you or please. He will start walking ways and I'll just stand there with a look on my face 'youre welcome' he just doesn't get it.

RandomOne's picture

Yeah Im pretty sure i wasnt perfect when i was a kid too lol. i remember a couple moments that i would have smacked me if i was there lol. i can honestly say there are things this boy does that i would wouldnt dream of doing and would never get away with.
we try to stay consistant with things and i do a 'pep' everytime we pick him up lol ' remember babe, we need to stay on him about things and be on the same page, bla bla bla.'
fingers crossed he will be able to do his own laundry by the time hes 18.