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Update and long email....

Jsmom's picture

I just wanted to give an update of this horrible saga of us suing for full custody now of both kids. If you have been following along, you remember that SIL and BIL irritated me over a trip to CA and NM for SD15. Well now, apparently, SD15 told the SIL about Drinking at 14, beating mailboxes with a bat and other stuff. Thought it was funny. Fast forward and SIL tells DH and that is what made him decide to pursue SD15 along with SS13. I knew there had to be something else. Well, fast forward and an email is sent to SIL from BM. BM is mad because our lawyer called her lawyer and told her all of this and more and that DH wanted both kids now. Holy cow, this email is long and insane. I will post it later. I have to edit all the names.

But, needless to say DH sends an email to BM, not to contact his family. Well BM's DH sends my husband a bizarre email.

Lil Lil DH since you have involved me by talking out your neck Lil Ricky we will see you in court. And I will bring my letters of recommendation for parenting that I have received from the County regarding my parenting skills. And when SIL (she's the one with the bad hair as I remember runs in the family I see) get requested to elaborate on this bullshit you and she made up in front of a judge we will see what transpire. I never abandoned my children. I fought for custody against worst buttholes then you and won. So Lil DH BRING IT

This guy is white trash. I had no idea how uneducated he was, until this email. He sent this to my DH and his wife let him. She is educated and I can not believe would allow him to get involved in this mess. Now he looks like an idiot. Also, stating that he has a letter on his parenting from the county, that is wierd. Why do you have that? None of us do, because DFACS, has never been in our lives. Both of his daughters have been expelled from the HS. His other daughter just left his home, because she was neglected. We can't make this stuff up. You have to read old blogs to see about these kids. But, does he really think that this is the way to go? We have forwarded everything to the attorney. But, now we have to wait and see what the next step is to get the kids. This is looking better every day.

By the way, my husband has hair like McDreamy and his sister suffers terribly from Alopecia. So I am not sure what he is getting at here. We were on a cruise last year, where a lady we met kept asking to rub her hands in my husbands hair. I love his hair. He wishes his was this good. BM's DH looks like Paul Bunyan.

I really do not want the SD here, but it may be the best alternative. I so want to call BM and say what are you doing? Are you trying to lose the kids?


Jsmom's picture

He is the spitting image of Paul Bunyan, I swear...Even wears the damn flannel shirts. I used to laugh when we would see him at the soccer games, because the guy looks like a character from a childrens novel...

alwaysanxious's picture

I feel for you, I know you don't want SD there and BM is not helping herself at all!!!!

You just want to shake her and say "hey, I'm on your side for this one. Straighten up and keep your daughter!:

Jsmom's picture

I want her to grow up and stop being her friend and parent her. Because I do not want to do it....I am so tempted to send a text:

What are you doing? You should not involve your DH in this mess, it is just making it worse for you. Stop fighting the custody of SS13 and you can keep SD15. That is all we want. But, if you keep pushing you will end up losing both of your children and I don't even want that outcome for you.

I would like to say but of course can't:

You idiot...are you trying to lose custody of your kids? You divorced DH stay away from his family. And keep your damn red-neck husband out of this or you will end up looking like the worst mother of the year. As for DH's hair, you wish you still had his hair to put your hands through. But then you hated sex so you never really understand how much of a turn on that is. You can keep your daughter out of my life since you have already turned her into a misfit, I really do not want to be associated with her. If you want to get into a pissing match over parenting, I will put my Straight A, AP student, Eagle Scout up against your misfit children and your stepkids who have both been expelled from two local HS. Do you really want to look like a bigger idiot than you already do?

Oh that felt good...