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porcelian-doll's Blog

SD. You are not an object

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DH found out through a search of SD's computer that she is still talking to the boy that she got caught giving oral stimulation to in the park. If DH would have listened to me he would have realized that forbidding a young girl to date or see a guy only fuels her fire for him. Reading what she writes to this boy troubles me as a woman and a soon to be mother. SD is making herself seem like this boys personal toy, his little sexual object.

You don't just get to say who is sleeping over my house

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I walk out of my room in my bathrobe to get a snack and SD14 is sitting on the sofa with one of her friends. I asked her to come over to me and questioned why her friend was sitting on my sofa when no one asked me or DH if they could have a friend over. SD was very nonchalant about it. She tells me that because we know this friend that she thought it would be ok and her mom said she can sleep over.

SD's awful behavior during a funeral

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DH's aunt passed and we attended her funeral this morning. Throughout the whole memorial service SD was texting and laughing on her cell phone and DH had to take it away. I shed a few tears because although I didn't know her well I knew her and I empathized with DH's pain. SD leaned over and asked me why I was crying because I didn't even know her. I ignored SD. SD grew up with this woman so I could not believe how self centered she was acting at her funeral. She actual leaned over to DH who was clearly upset and asked him when do we eat.

This house isn't big enough for the 3.5 of us

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Now that SD has moved in indefinitely I am wondering how we will have any space once the baby arrives. I heard that BM is moving her sleezy BF in with her so she is basically choosing him over her daughter and she has only known that guy for less than 3 months according to SD. So SD will not be staying with BM anytime soon according to DH and herself and BM is fine with that even called her own daughter a B*tch. I agree that I don't always like her but I wouldn't put her in harms way and have the chance to be sexually harassed or worse by BM's BF.

" I don't care if she dies tonight"

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I overheard SD on her cell phone telling one of her friends that I am a B for making her clean my house like a slave. She said she wouldn't care if I died tonight she wouldn't even bat an eyelash and I'm lucky she isn't crazy. She was continuing on about how she feels bad about my unborn baby having me as a mom and it will probably come out looking like a vampire ghost.

SD's lazinessss is driving me insane.

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She has been wearing the same outfit for two days. When DH asks her to help around the house she just moves things around in extra slow motion. Her room is just one pile of clothes stuffed in a corner, unmade bed and soda cans and an open bag of chips on her desk and wrappers all over the floor and her vanity is a mess with makeup open and spilled everywhere and tissues and cotton balls every where and that is what she calls clean so imagine it dirty.

I think it worked.

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I think my little stunt of dressing up like SD last night worked because today she is dressed like a normal teenage girl and not a gothic hooker. Except for that ugly pink and black bob hairdo and pounds of makeup. She just has on a pink Tshirt and some jeans with flip flops.

She is not talking to me which I don't mind at all. I just hope this sticks. And I secretly wish BM will get rid of her BF so SD will want to go home and I can get my spot back in the couch and change my instant queu on Netflix back to my shows.

MIL is in town

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My MIL is visiting. I am not enthusiastic about this in the slightest. Despite the fact that she knows I am albino she buys me sunscreen. She is always petting my head and rubbing my hair. The way she says my name in that shrill voice I can't take it. Its not that she is a horrible person or anything its that her presents makes me uncomfortable.
