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porcelian-doll's Blog

Should SD14 be invited to my baby shower?

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My grandmother is planning my baby shower for next month. She told me about the guest list and asked if SD14 will be in attendance. I told her I will get back to her. I don't know. I really don't want her there I really don't. But my younger cousins who are around her age will be there and DH knows that. I know he will flip his wig if I dare say that SD14 is not invited. I don't want her there because I know how she is. She will get to my grandmother’s house and flounce around like she is better than everyone else. Whisper snarky comments to my cousins.

DH says just chalk it up to teenage angst

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SD14 is "sick" so DH let her miss the day of school. I had left a bag of groceries beside the television when I came in. I walked in front of SD14 and I did say “excuse me for just a second”. Instead of pausing her show or getting up to help the pregnant woman carrying groceries she catches an attitude. “You could have walked behind the couch but you had to walk in front of me. You did that on purpose". I told her if she hadn’t noticed I can no longer squeeze behind the couch and it only took me a few seconds to walk over to the bag and I could use some help putting the groceries away.

DH wants SD14 there when I give birth

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DH sent SD14 to stay with her mom for a few days so that I can have time to breath. But nooooo I can never breathe! DH springs on me how he wants SD14 there when I give birth. My family is very spiritual and I was thinking of an at home birth either a squatting birth, a water birth or a natural birth in my bed with a bar above me if I feel the need to squat, lift up or reposition myself I'm trying to decide but I keep going back and forth I'm leaning toward water but my mom did squatting and my grandmother did natural so I could be swayed.

How can I be around her

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I've been at my grandmother's because I'm so humiliated and frustrated I don't want to be around SD14. Looking at my personal pictures and telling BM about them and who knows what else. I just can't be around her. I slept in my grandmother's bed last night and it was the first time I've felt peaceful in a while but I know I can't hide out here. I was a bratty spoiled only child growing up but I was never down right disrespectful and self centered like SD14.

How does BM know about my private photos?

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BM was texting DH angry text because SD has decided she would rather stay with us because DH made her think she actually had a choice. SD14 actually told BM herself that she likes the stability and she doesn't mind the strictness. BM thinks we brain washed her. She keeps sending these long angry text. We were ignoring her until I read. " At least when I'm sprawled out on the bed with my A** showing I look good and not like a pasty white B-----". "Tell your wife not to be a slut because things could end up in the wrong hands".

Found out the sex of my baby and now I'm feeling ill

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I'm 24 weeks. I've been putting off going to the doctor which I know is bad. But I wanted to schedule my visit on a cloudy day so the sun won't bother my skin and eyes because of my albinism and the dotors office is and hour and a half away and my second excuse is I was so nervous to find out the gender.

Really BM Really? You don't want more kids because you love SD to much

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SD14 wants to move back in with BM because BM finally kicked her boyfriend out. According to BM no one is more important to her than SD14 that is why she never had more kids because her love for SD is to overwhelming to be divided. She cries every night SD is not with her. Yep this is what she sent SD in a text to the phone that DH confiscated as part of her punishment. DH told SD she could use the land line to call BM and talk with her and SD says she is thinking about moving back home.

I threw tampons

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I know maybe I should not have done what I did. I was laying in bed with DH singing young & beautiful to him. I always get emotional when I sing or play from the heart. SD14 walks in my room without knocking and goes " You cry to much, you're always crying... do you have tampons"?. I was so mad I told her to get out of my room and my tone of voice got higher. she walked out and I slammed the door behind her. DH told me to take a deep breath. After I remembered she asked for tampons I opened my bedroom door and threw them in the hallway.

What should be the punishment for this?

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It looked like SD had a junk food party on my kitchen table. I told SD to clean it up. 30 minutes later she still didn't clean her mess. I told her again that mess is not going to clean itself and I don't want anymore ants. She got up and walked over to me and screamed right in my face " SHUT THE F UUUUUUUP"! I told her to go to her room until her father gets home.
