porcelian-doll's Blog
Talking about SD during sex
DH just drove my sex drive to a schreeching halt. In between thrust he goes " so when does SD go back to school? ...oh". "Your so sexy, you think SD will like her birthday present?". Seriously? No I'm sorry mood gone. He tries kissing my neck to get me back to bed . Whispering in my ear " mmm babe I love, Do you think SD would like it in white or black". Ok DH get off of me. I'm putting my footie pajamas back on and zipping all the way up. Gonna grab my robe and make a cup of hot chocolate and don't follow me to the patio. Are men really that clueless?
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Stepkid on family tree
My grandmother has a big family tree portrait in her living room that she painted. She added an extra leaves for DH, my baby daughter and SD14. My grandmother showed it to us over dinner. SD asked her in a very nasty tone why is her name on the tree. My grandmother hugged her and and told her she is a granddaughter to her in her heart. SD rolled her eyes and didn't say another word about it. I don't know how you all would feel about your step kids being on your family tree but I thought that was very sweet of my grandmother. Of course DH made her say thank you so it wasn't sincere.
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Ugly sweater bonding
I was sewing on some xmas trinkets on sweaters for christmas morning SD14 asked to help. We thought we were doing pretty good even shared compliments. DH walks in and says " you guys are doing an ugly sweater contest cool". After swatting him we started laughing. We turned it into an ugly sweater contest. DH won because he super glued all of his trinkets instead of sewing because it to harrrrd. Now we get to wear these hot mess sweaters on christmas morning :D. Holding my breath hoping this can last the rest of the month. SD14 please please just keep it up at least for the holidays.
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Tree decorating disaster with SD14
On saturday we put up our christmas tree. I wanted to slap SD14 with everthing inside of me. We had my baby girl out laying on her swing by the tree dressed like santa's tinest elf. SD14 complianing about everything. She told me I should put the baby back in her room because she is crying to much and ruining the mood. No SD she is a baby not a dog I'm not just going to put her away but you can go to your room! " Fine I'm going back to mom's dad let's go". DH tells her she can walk there with that attitude or go in her room and find her respect.
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SD14 trying to guilt DH into blowing the bank for christmas
SD14 came over yesterday and went straight to her room crying so loud it echod thru the house. DH went to check on her. He says she feels second place to the baby and fears that this christmas won't be so great because we will be so focused on the baby we will forget about her. DH promised she will have a great Christmas. She handed him a list and said she's not asking for much. Left wiping her face and kissing DH on the cheek. " daddy I know this is going to be a great christmas. I'm coming saturday so we can put up the tree". Her christmas wish list.
1. Iphone 5
Poopy Justice
SD had dance practice and DH had to work late. I had a spiritual gathering to get to so I put my baby daughter in the car to drop her off with my grandmother and get SD14 to dance practice. SD alerted me that my DD was having a milky vomit spill so I pulled over into a nearby gas station cleaned her off and asked SD to hold her for a sec while wiped the side of her seat and search for her bootie that fell off its cold out so it’s important. We left early so I could make sure to get SD to practice early.
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Post baby life
Things have been crazy. My baby daughter loves to cry like a kitten and smile when she is taking a poopy. DH is loving it and is pushing for me to get pregnant again within a few months. SD14 moved back with BM after a tearful and dramatic “nobody cares about me" exit but she comes over every day after school to play with her sister. I put a nanny cam in the nursery and living room just for insurance. DH talked to her about how she knew a baby needs attention but he is trying to spend more time with her.
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My dad is a cheater
My dad finally came to see my daughter and I thought he would have drove down with my mom to get here as fast as he could to try to make it to the delivery but he got tied up at work. I knew something was weird because my mother and father are glued together and he barley even spoke to her when he called and I believe he could have easily taken off of work. Last night I heard my parents arguing and that is a rare occurrence. They tried to use hush tones but my mother is the world's worst whisperer.
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Am I becoming an overprotective obsessive mom?
My family doesn't understand. They sat me down last night to have a talk with me and I sort of understand but I don't think they really get my point of veiw. Here are some of the points they came up with.
. You don't have to run to her eveytime she cries. You can let DH and SD take care of it sometimes she will be ok.
. You need to worry about taking care of yourself as much as you worry about taking her. Including eating and sleeping enough for your body.
. Let people help you and don't get so snappy when they try to.
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emotional ramble
A friend of my just dropped by to see my sweet baby girl. She had her son with her and he seriously lacked manners. He acted like I had a contagious disease. He was acting like he was scared to sit next to me or drink from the glass of water I gave him. I left the room to warm up a bottle and he asked my husband what was wrong with me and does my daughter have what I have. His mom, my mom, and DH explained albinism to him. I just took my daughter into the nursery. They are still here but I'm not going back out there. She's is asleep now anyway and she has seen enough people for one day.
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