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Yes I am a bitch! A letter I would love to send!

Patsy's picture

Let me tell you when I was younger I was the sweetest girl around. As a kid I did everything that was expected of me and did not piss and moan about it either. I had a great childhood.
To my siblings
I am sorry that some of you think you didn't have it fair growing up! It is not my fault that you were total terrors and drove my parents nuts! My parents don't favor me, they just don't trust you! I didn't get anything more or less than you did from them. I started working when I was 14 that is why I had a car when I was 16. I have a nice home and nice vehicles and go on vacation because I work for it. NOT because my husband pays for all of it. I make more than him and he has always had a child support obligation. Thats right my husband actually pays his support unlike my two brothers!
I am happily married because I work at it, not because I found the perfect man. They do not exist! Am a I bitch? Why yes I am and thank you for noticing! Getting nice never got me anywhere with you all and I am tired of it!
To my Niece:
Your mother was drug addict. It was not because your grandparents gave up on your mother. They spent so much money on trying to help her they had to sell their home. They moved her from the city to the country trying to help. They might have not always have known what they were doing, but they sure as shit did not give up on her. When you were born she snuck out of the hospital and abandoned you. Your grandparents went back for you and allowed your crazy mother back into their home. They had 5 other kids and a newborn at the time and both worked full time jobs but they took you in. Then your mother gets put in prison for 5 years when you are 3. From the age of 3 to 8 you were raised as my little sister. When your mother was released your grandparents fought to keep you but the court sided with your mom. She went a whole whopping 2 years until she shipped you off to your dad across the country without telling your grandparents. You cried for us so much you father and my parents got enough money for a ticket for grandma and you to bring you back. So from 10 to 14 you again were raised as my sister. When you were 14 your mom was cleaned up and things looked good. Your grandparents gave you back to your mom things were good and your grandparent and mom got along and you spent summers with us. Stop acting like it was your grandparents fault you were handed the raw end of the stick it was your mother. I am glad you love your mother and have a good relationship but this is in part because of your grandparents. I have your kids now and that is not my fault would you have rather me give them to foster care? I don't get a dime from the state for this no matter what you think! I have told you over and over if I were to want money I would have to move to your state to get it. I am NOT making money off of your kids! You hate me because your kids love me and my family. They are thriving with me and anytime you have had them back you fuck it up not me. That is why they are still with me. Maybe next time when they ask me if they can call me MOM I will say YES! Just so you know when people refer to me as their mom in their presence I don't correct them. I let your kids bask in the glory of others thinking I am their mother! - Yes I am a bitch but your kids love me for it!
To my SD's BM
Those 15 years of trying to work with you were worthless I should have been a bitch to you long ago. Go ahead and try me now. You will see the true bitch I have been hiding away.
To my SD
I am not officially a bitch to you yet but you are about to see it.
To my DH
You knew I was a Bitch when you married me. I have no doubt that if I weren't one you would not have the backbone that you do now.
To my DD
I would like to think you will never feel that I am a bitch, but there will be those times when you think I am. I am ready for that your sister has trained me well.


Justme54's picture

I can relate to your feelings. My dad use to say by age 18...if you do not know right from wrong you never will. Some people have no morals, no values or self-worth. Kindness,with most people,will get you screwed everytime.

Patsy's picture

This felt so good to write! Last night I took off all my old blogs and took off my bookmarks. I do not want to look back at some of those things anymore. I haven't had a bad life in any way, stressfull maybe but never bad.

FionaCloones's picture

LOVE your unsent letter. Sounds like you're a bitch as needed/earned. You and your parents have done wonderful things with bad situations.