Nymh's Blog
It didn't go too badly (EDITED) On second thought...
BF came home from the birthday party all in one piece. He was really glad to have gotten to see SS, and said that SS really liked the present he got him and was very happy to see him. Apparently BM didn't say much to him during the party, which was a shock to me. I'm so glad that she put her beef aside long enough to have a good party for SS with no drama. That came afterwards
The dreaded joint birthday party
I'm sure most of you all have been through this one, but it's a new one to me. Having read a lot of trials and tribulations about the joint birthday party ordeal, I pretty much know what we're in for. I'm not going, of course, due to the restraining order. I know that BF isn't just "caving" because he feels guilty - he's perfectly capable of not going as he has illustrated the entire time we've been together and even before that. So I'm not jealous or insecure (and far from disappointed) that he's made the decision to go.
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Today's Updates
On a completely unrelated front, I've been informed that I am arrogant at work. That has me kinda down. But on to the reason why I'm here! BM came and picked up SS to take him to an undisclosed doctor's appointment this morning. When she got back, she said that they had gone to the dentist and everything was fine. SS confirmed that he had been to the dentist. Let's just say that it was pretty obvious that SS didn't go to the dentist. Later this evening, our DCS worker came over.
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Haven't been around much lately. Big blowup today...
Sorry I've been gone for a few days and haven't had the chance to catch up on everything. We had a big blowup today as a result of a phone call from BM. Everything's fine now, but I still wanted to post what happened for others to read.
One small step for man...how DCS went
We had a meeting with the lady from DCS the other day. She was very nice, polite, and unassuming. We welcomed her into our home warmly and she was obviously impressed from the beginning. I know that from what she had most likely heard from BM, she was probably expecting our house to be in shambles with drugs and naked people laying on our dirty, soiled couches! Sorry, BM - you're going to have to try a *little* harder to make us look bad...lies don't really hurt us when the truth is so easy to see.
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Our prayers were NOT answered
As a matter of fact, I think this qualifies as the Worst Weekend Ever. I've spent a lot of my time these past 24 hours wondering how someone can be so utterly malcontent and focused on causing problems. It's not just a little misunderstanding here or there. It's literally, EVERY SINGLE THING that she hears happens, she goes off the deep end about. Seriously. I don't think that this would be such a problem if BF allowed her to have the 24/7 total-immersion contact with him and SS that BM wants.
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Apparently I'm Pregnant Again! I think this makes 8 times in 3 years!
News to me! BM has fabricated this fake pregnancy AGAIN. What is this, like the 8th time in the past 3 years? She keeps saying "Congrats on the new baby! When is it due?" and asking BF why he's not bragging about being a new daddy, she'd think he'd be jumping for joy if he had a new baby on the way.
Just answer me something...how can you accuse someone of being pregnant? I mean, it doesn't really seem like something you can force someone to admit when it's not true. And why does she keep pretending I'm pregnant anyway?
Pray for us...
We're supposed to have SS again this weekend. I just need a little support and some uplifting words because the crap from BM has been getting worse and worse every time he's here. I just hope that she can leave him alone for 72 hours and let him enjoy his time with his Dad.
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Hahaha, now she's going after my boss
SS was exposed to my workplace this weekend (which he has been in the past) but this time word got around to BM that SS had spent some time with my boss. Now she's treatening to report my boss to every board that she can think of related to his field, try to get his license revoked, sue him, sue the company, blah blah blah.
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She called him "hun"
Today when I got home from work, BF told me about this message that BM had left on the answering machine. He heard the words "Hey hun -" and clicked off the message before listening to the rest of it. He said he didn't want to hear whatever she had to say if she was preceeding it with "Hey hun"!
So I listened to the message. All she said was, "Hey hun, I'm trying to get a hold of SS. Have him call me." I looked at BF and asked him basically WTF? He said she's trying to get back together with him and this is part of how she's showing him that.
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