Ninji's Blog
So sick of being the bad guy
We planned to go to Disney last weekend from Fri-Sun.
Last Monday, I asked SO if we would take Skids home early on Memorial Day. He agreed. ---He is supposed to switch holidays with BM but she never wants them. We get every holiday.
Last Wednesday I told SO I was thinking of taking the next day off work. His first words to me are "You can get kids from school" EVERY TIME I take time off work, he wants me to get his kids. This is why I have so much vacation time. I never take it because I'll be stuck with his kids.
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Just when I thought BM couldn't sink any lower
Apparently Shitty text SO and told him that SD11 started her period at school (first time for her).
I text back something like sux it happened at school and SO tells me that Shitty said she seemed pretty excited. Cool
Now, I'm thinking, Ok I hate Shitty but finally she is going to have to be there for her kid.
I have already had several talks with SD about starting her period, showed her how to put a pad on her underwear and depose of it properly.
Then I get a text that SD's teacher called and SD is bawling her eyes out because Shitty refuses to pick her up.
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Ok. I'm Fing pissed!!
I'm sooo stupid. I get an automated text from SD's teacher to make sure she packs her lunch tomorrow for the field trip. I should have just ignored it. BUT NO, I send it to SO thinking he will talk to SD later and remind her.
Of course, that's not what happened. He text Shitty (BM). Shitty ask him if he is going to EXSD HS Graduation.
EXSD asked SO if he was going a few weeks ago. He asked her if he needed an invitation. NOTHING was communicated after that.
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Trying to think positive about this weekend.
We are going to Disney for the weekend. SO reserved a very nice room for us in the Hilton. We plan to sit by the pool and drink fruity cocktails. He also reserved pass the line rides for us and already is telling me how he is going to spoil me.
Sounds perfect until you realize that we taking the Skids with us. This is our family vacation this year because I will be gone during July for work.
I am trying really hard to think of all the fun but my thoughts keep going back to SS. We have had this vacation before.
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Skid phone calls
I wish SO didn't take calls from Skids during the week.
I know he misses them but it's always drama, every time.
Text yesterday while at work from SO
SO: SS had a good day. H was sad saying he can't get a few good days in a row. I love him sooooo much
ME: Yeah
---SS could have a good day every day if he wanted to. All he has to do is NOT misbehave. No way would he ever act out at our house like he does at school. He knows how to control himself IF he is going to have to face consequences.
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I day in my life VS a day in SO's life
Anyone else's life this unbalanced?
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Conversation with a co-worker.
He is an older man maybe 55?
Me: How was your weekend
CW: Horrible
Me: Really why
CW: We had to drive down to Miami and take care of my SD and her liberal BF
Me: O, that sucks
CW: Yeah, if I wanted to be taking care of kids at my age, I would have had my own. She's in her 30's and can't get her act together
Poor guy, I starting to think it's worse when Skids are adults. You expect more from adults.
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SO is driving me crazy today.
He went to a concert last night and didn't get home until 2am so he decides to not go into work today. Ok cool.
So I told him that he can do dinner tonight. He hasn't cooked a meal in over two years. I figured I'd get a break.
Dumbass just text me "How do you cook spare ribs"
WHY would you take something out to cook that you can't cook? I wanted one day to get a pass. Now I'm going to have to go home and "show" him (do it myself really).
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My SO is so romantic
My SO is so romantic
We went on a date night to the movies and saw the Avengers last night. We had a great time aside from the phone call from SD that SO took. I gave him a pass on it because it was during the coming attractions and it only lasted about 90 seconds. I did tell him I didn't like it. ...So we ended up having a fun evening.
Today I sent him a text
ME: Thanks for last night. I feel really happy right now.
SO: I feel hungry
Awww, so romantic.
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What do you do with the other Skid(s) when one refusing to come over
Recently, SS has been wanting to stay with BM during the weekends. (We have them every weekend)
The first time, he cryed and said he missed his mom and wanted to spend "family" time with her and her boy toy fiancé.
SO was hurt but allowed it. Come to find out, SS and BM didn't spend any time together. SS just wanted to stay with BM because he is grounded from video games at our house and never is at BM's.
Two weekends ago, he pulled it again. When we pulled up to pick up SD, SS walked out with his tablet in his hand. He was already playing video games.