Ninji's Blog
Conversations in StepHell
SO has been talking about going to TN to see his mom for years. That's all, just talking.
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BM Sucks as a mom
Since BM has been engaged for 1 1/2 weeks, she has texted SO at least 4x's saying
They will be a real family now
Boy Toy Fiancé is going to be a better dad than SO
She and BT Fiancé are better parents than SO and I
She and BT Fiancé can take care of the kids better than us
My feelings are great...Please parent you kids so that I can take a break from it. Please be a real family while they are at your house. They need it.
But it's all talk. Maybe she's trying to get SO jealous but is mad because he isn't.
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Why can't SO see when he's being manipulated by SS
Two years ago before I moved out, SO and I fought about EVERYTHING. It was really bad. One of the main things that would start us fighting was the Skids and SO getting up at 5:30/6am every weekend and being really loud. Slamming doors, blaring the TV, just being inconsiderate to another person was still trying to sleep.
My argument was that I wasn't asking him to keep kids quiet til noon. It was a very reasonable to request that I'm not woken up at 5:30 on my day off.
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SO and BM at it again...Sorry Long
Yesterday was SD's B Day.
Yesterday about 1.5hr before the end of the work day I get a text from SO. He says that BM kept the kids home from school. He's of course upset. I immediacy knew why she kept them home. SD was complaining to me that her mom is never home on her B Days, so I'm sure she said was whining to BM about it. If BM keeps them home from school, she can still go out that night and not have to listen to SD whine. (BTW...SD says that they didn't go anywhere or do anything :? )
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I get embarrassed when someone at the school thinks I'm SS's mom.
I'm pretty much the only one that goes to the school. SO doesn't get a lot of time off work and while BM doesn't work during the day, she just isn't involved.
Because only I go to the school, everyone thinks I'm their mom. It embarrasses me because SS is so bad in school. I don't want people to think I'm a shitty mom that lets her kid get away with being a rude jerk every day at school. Last time I was at the school, SS's teacher said another teacher told her that I "look normal" and she can't understand SS's bad behavior. SS's teacher explained I'm not the BM.
Rutherford's blog earlier today reminded me of something I wanted to blog about.
I am 37 and have no bios. After living with my Skids, I know for sure that I don’t want to have any. It's not because they are so horrible, but because I now know for real the amount of hard work it takes to be a good parent and the cost is crazy.
I told SO the other day I want to talk to my doctor about getting my tubes tied. I've been on birth control for 19 years and I'm so over it. SO has talked about getting a vasectomy but he doesn't have medical insurance.
I need some of what BM is smoking
I blogged at the end of Jan about SS9's bad behavior in school.
I talked SO into giving me a kid free weekend and he told BM that we weren't getting the kids the last weekend of the month in Jan.
The week before our kid free weekend, I received 7 emails from SS's teacher about really bad behavior. A PTC was set for the next week to discuss this. SO also spoke to the principal on the phone. The principal told SO that SS told him that he was misbehaving because he didn't have to come to our house that weekend and face consequences.
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AND...The Skids weekend starts
I pick them up from school and the first thing I notice is that SS is wearing a dive shirt we got him in the Keys and it has mildew all over it. How did BM miss that.
Get home and SS has 12 missing homework assignments and a class project to do. Why can't BM make him sit down and do his homework.
Also, SO tells me earlier today that BM and new boy toy are getting married. Damn, Ive been hoping she would fine a responsible guy. Guess not.
Well, I guess I know what we are doing this weekend.
Blah, good thing I picked up a bottle of captain today.
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A Story of a COD Adult
My SO is addicted to collecting skate decks. It's his hobby and he has made a couple thousand in the last couple of months flipping them on EBAY.
He ordered a board from someone on the internet and it turned out the guy (DA from now on) lives in our town. SO and DA meet and become friends. DA has a "business" selling skate decks.
DA also has a wife and 4 children. DA is not good at selling skate decks because he buys them and falls in love with them and won't sell.
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Kids Chore List
I'm making a chore list for SS9 and SD11
They already clean their rooms make their beds and clean their own bathroom.
This is what I've come up with so far:
Clean room and make beds--This includes closet and under bed
Wipe finger prints off hallway, bathroom and bedroom walls
Fills dogs water bowl morning and after dinner
Clean Kitchen after dinner--This includes all counters, stove, all dishes, table and sweep kitchen/dining room floor
Sweep back porch and front porch once a weekend
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