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First day on this site - Please Help

New at this's picture

I should probably start by saying I just signed up for this today. I feel a little uneasy about posting, and unsure about etiquette, but here we go. Forgive me if I am all over the place.

I have a BF who has a daughter 16. We have been living together for about 2 1/2 years, but there are still some erks. He has done a great job raising her on his own - BM bailed when she was less than a year old. She has had some contact with her growing up, but that has halted in the last couple of years due to the BM remarrying (2x) without even letting my SD know until afterwards (Facebook posting). Obvious woman issues here. He has raised her to be very intellegent and focused on school, and she excels all of the time.

At the beginning I found myself (and sometimes now) trying to buy her affection, and buy myself into the family. She is now 16, and is growing up quickly. At the beginning she would (and maybe still does) go into our bedroom and take my stuff without asking (woman products, razors, etc) which was extremely exhausting! I was used to my own space, my own things, and no invasion of privacy. That has ended for the most part, and she asks for things now.

We had boy issues in the beginning (and still now somewhat) and there were times when I felt really close to her. I always had to deal with my fathers gfs growing up, and I know how hard it can be to live with one (let alone one that doesn't want to be a part of your life) so I tried (and try) to make it very comfortable for her. I am super close to my nieces (no children of my own) but I love being a part of their life, and wanted to share that kind of bond (maybe closer) with my SD.

There have been shopping days and fun girl days occasionally. She mostly has been in her room, with the exception of the dance in front of the bedroom door when she needed a ride somewhere, or the appearance for food/drink. There have been occasions where I have been able to express that I love her, but very few and far between. I don't want to overstep mothers boundaries or make her uncomfortable by pushing myself on her, but I would love to have a closer relationship.

My BF has gotten any/all affection from her, which I guess is normal. She totally has issues with women due to the shortcomings of the BM. I continue to try to find my place in her life, but have somewhat given up on pushing so hard.

She's now 16 and driving. She has a bf, and to our surprise is now sexually active. She was very honest with her father (as she has been her entire life) and we addressed the situation accordingly. I know (and we all know) you can't stop this stuff, you just have to help prepare them for the consequences as best as possible. She seems to appear to be okay with me in the house now, and we all have dinner every night with each other during the week, and partake in the nightly Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune.

Her father brought up the possibility of marrying me in a conversation between the two of them, and apparently it sent her into tears. She doesn't want to "share him" with anyone "not just" me. Of course talking about this, sent me into tears. How could she be so ungrateful of how close I am to her and the things I do - especially when she has no other female figure even remotely close.

Worst thing is that we never talk about these things together. I think the only family talk we have had is when she had boy problems at 13, and the occasional light-hearted talks at dinner (where she reveals almost nothing without a purpose). He always talks to her and says it's best because maybe she feels like she can't say things around me and hurt my feelings. I feel the opposite, that by not being able to say things to me, it hurts my feelings more.

So back to the marriage issue - I am now (as I have briefly throughout the relationship) having thoughts that this will not work out. I crave a close relationship like I have with my nieces, and I don't see it happening. I constantly feel like it's either "SD and BF" or "me and BF" and there is little "family" in there. Don't get me wrong, I am totally laid back and not pushy with this - I only struggle internally. I am young, and maybe he's just too old for what I want, right? But what to do when you feel such a strong connection? Or maybe I should just enjoy the now, right?

I know she will be off to college soon and is becoming independent and will be out of the picture, but I always struggle with the day to day now. I really don't want to be someone she is nice to but hates behind my back. I don't want to be someone she tolerates but really despises.

The two of them don't really spend much time together - on her account not his. But it also seems like she is made because "they never spend time together" but she is never home or never wants to come downstairs. Of course he spoils her to compensate for not having her mother, but she also does well in school, so some of it she really deserves. She takes him for granted sometimes, and is very selfish in that she doesn't want to "share him with anyone" yet she is off dating and having sex with her boyfriend. She really expects him to sit at home and wait for her to come home, just so she can hug him and go in her room. It's frustrating! He sometimes asks her about these things, and then they get brushed under the rug.

She has had some issues with lying and seeing boys, or lying about other issues, which he briefly punishes for, and gets over it. She is very helpless, and has only been doing chores since I moved in (all she does is vacuum and dishes). These are all normal (i guess) and I just deal with it. I usually just try to be there for guidance (without lecturing or talking down) and there as an extra set of ears to give a different perspective.

She is really close with her BFs mom now (probably due to Mom issues) and I am jealous. I am also wanting more of a family with us 3, but I may be asking too much. He works like crazy to support her habits (and our new house) and I work hard and am putting myself through another degree in college.

I am kind of all over the place, but I need someones take on all of this. I guess I am unloading 3 years of pent up feelings about it all - wish I found this site sooner.

I guess I am asking if these are normal feelings. I see a lot of angry step-parents on here, and that is not me. She is overall a great kid, and I really want to improve our family and bring us together. I am not overly smothering or anything - I just don't want there to be a divide. Naturally she will be tied to him with a much stronger bond. I just want to stop the feeling of the two pairs (her/him and me/him) instead of the group of 3 as a family.

Sorry for such a long post - all responses welcome!!


TheWife's picture

I see potential in this situation. The fact that you have times where you guys can be close and get along and the fact that she doesn't want to share her father with ANYONE (not specifically YOU) shows some hope coming thru.

I know this may sound so cliche, but maybe you guys can try family counseling to work thru the issues? I have heard that for people who want it to work, it helps tremendously...


Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.

New at this's picture

I would love to - that's a great suggestion Thank You! I'm going to try to bring it up to the BF. I just worry that his reaction (as is to everything) is that she is a teenager and she will grow out of it, and that I take it too personally (which there is probably some truth to).

Do you think at her age though she might think it's too pushy? She may feel like it's a total invasion for her to have to sit through this. I should probably talk to my BF and see if he is on board, and if so, it could bring us dramatically closer.

TheWife's picture

I would say, try it first with you and DH, then maybe try to bring her in. You two going first will be able to highlight some of the issues and see if anything can be repaired.


Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.

stepmom008's picture

Wow - my 9 yo SD does dishes and vacuums. Seriously though, I think there is potential here as well. She is 16 which equals pain in the ass no matter how good the kid is. And BF probably feels some guilt about the situation (or lack thereof) with BM which is probably why he treats her the way that he does. Counseling with the 3 of you together as well as maybe you and SD could be very beneficial. Now let me ask you this, it sounds as though you are younger than BF... may I ask how much younger? Do you want to have kids of your own? I only ask because if my BF didn't want to have kids, that would be a dealbreaker.

You should never have to feel like a third wheel in your own house. Explain this to BF when you suggest counseling - hopefully he'll be open to it.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

Thetis's picture

Check out the book Stepmonster. It deals with alot of the issues you are talking about here. If it can't help, at least it will show you that what you are feeling is completely normal!
You sound like you have a great head on your shoulders. Best of luck to you! (PS awesome first blog!)

New at this's picture

Thank you all for posting! I am indeed younger - he is mid 40s and I am late 20s. I don't expect at my age (so close to hers than her fathers) to be a mother or a mother-like person. I just want to have a family. I'm not sure if I want children of my own or not, but before I make decisions about what I want in the future, I'd like to feel like I'm making progress with what I have now. As you can tell, I'm overly mature for my age (have always been) which is one of the reasons I was attracted to my BF. I feel like there's no one else that sees the world as I do (in matters other than SD) than him. Age aside, he's perfect, so I really want to work this out and feel good about the end result.

Btw Stepmom008 - Thank you! Only now does she even do that much of chores! I have to sometimes remind BF "can you have her do the floors" and sometimes he's hesitant but very rarely. I didn't want to get toooo personal, but we actually had a pregnancy scare, but it aborted extremely early - too early to even have conversations about whether or not to keep it. He was very supportive and has said things that are conclusive that he is not totally against it, and he would never put me in a position to feel bad about a decision. Whether he originally wanted or not, I know he would support me regardless - totally loyal which is another reason I love him!

Thetis I think I may buy that book on Ebay today! It's great to know I'm not going out of my mind! I wonder what Stepmothers did before the internet!!!

I really appreciate you all in more ways than you can imagine!

Thetis's picture

I wonder what Stepmothers did before the internet!!!
lol Anti-depressants and lots of councilling I'm sure! The book really is a great read. I've also been told to read "Kids are Worth It" but I haven't yet.

mdeleh's picture

maybe you and your BF can plan a few things to do with his daughter. go to a movie, dinner, concert, sports game, or something she likes to do. Plan a day once a week for you and BF's daughter to hang out if possible. Maybe you could all grow a little closer. Maybe BF should talk to his daughter bout staying in her room so much tell her to come hang out with two of you and watch tv or movie. As for her crying about the issue of marriage to you did your BF say his daughter gave reason for her tears. Also have you talked to her bout one day marrying her dad. Just let her know how much you love her father and that you care about her alot as well and you would be greatful for her support and care about what she thinks and feels. I myself had to make sure my intensions with my Bf were known to his girls as well.Also made clear that i know he is their father and they are number one in his life and im second and im fine with it and thats how it should be. they are now showing me affection and its great to feel wanted in the place in whick you live. sometimes the 7yr old will run up to her dad hug him and look at me and give me a haha look and even sticker out her tounge I just smile. Anyway no matter how long you have been a factor in your BS life and i say factor cause we are not the kids real parent and its def different, there will allways be some issues and uncertainty because thats life. sorry not best advice my experiance is not much and im new to this site as well

New at this's picture

You don't need to apologize to me! Smile I appreciate all views! I may be a little skiddish of sitting down with her. It's hard for me to imagine how to even begin a conversation like that with her, with her crying over the thought of him being married to me. I have to say it hurt me a lot. I just don't know how to approach the conversation, and she doesn't really react well to conversations where you are just dropping the bomb on her (whatever that may be).

folkmom's picture

teenagers are weird. lol. when i had been dating BF for 5 months...had not even met the kids ( we wait til 8 to make sure it was for real) ...SS(then 13) declared to his dad "I HATE FM!" and cried little man tears in the car. all because BF's mom asked how i was. now, this was a kid whos mom was reengaged, was about to get a new step dad and had never even met a girlfriend of his dads...but the mere mention of me made him cry?

sometimes the emotion has less to do with YOU...and more to do with them:) teenagers are all abotu THEM. it is in fact the "I" stage of life.

New at this's picture

You know, and that's what my BF says - that it's just a teenager thing. I just remember growing up and wishing my stepmother was the way I am. I mean, my dad has been dating this woman since I was 12, and she literally kept him away from me for 2 years. I just keep saying that's not the person I want to be. It's just easier said than done to ignore, but I am still on the fence about sitting down with her and talking about it all. GRRR! So frustrating!

folkmom's picture

she is 16 right? what if you exploit her age on the marriage front? what if you talk to her privately about how you feel about her and her dad and it is not taking away, but joining as a family.

and then you get her involved in the wedding planning. 16 yr olds love that crap.

this is not a horrible situation. you want a "family"

do you do family vacas?

New at this's picture

I am extremely analytical - I'm accountant LOL! So I look at all the sides like this too, and it drives me nuts!!! Sometimes I fear exactly what you are saying - that it will just get worse! I say to myself - is it worth the fight? And with my parentals not being so great either, my first response is FLIGHT! At my age, I sometimes feel like I shouldn't have to be put through this and can move on - then I feel like I shouldn't let anything get in the way of me being happy with him! Okay, now I sound like a whiny b***H! Thank you for the post! Has it been any easier with boys?

now4teens's picture

First of all, Welcome!
Now on to business. I haven't been on this site much, because, I too just returned to college after 23 years to pursue my degree in Psychology, so we have something in common. Wink

As a mom of two boys, I will tell you, YES, boys are infinitely easier than girls. When we blended our families "officially" five years ago, my boys went along with the flow. New house, new school- whatever.

The three girls- ALL drama, at EVERY step. And after seven years of knowing them, it hasn't changed a bit. The teenage years have been a nightmare, plain and simple.

I will tell you this. If you plan on staying with your BF, you better make sure he and you are on the same page- and that page is where YOU and HE are the ADULTS, and his daughter is the CHILD. Children these days have WAY too much POWER and CONTROL in the home and it wreaks havoc in relationships between the parents. It kills marriages, especially re-marriages. And kids are not stupid- they KNOW when they hold the power in the home and how to wield it like a weapon.

If your BF seems to waiver and resist on treating his "precious princess" like another adult in the home...

RUN! You don't need the years of heartache. Trust me. Or get yourself to a therapist ASAP to turn the situation around.

If my DH didn't reform his "guilt-daddy" ways with the help of a therapist AND a Parenting Coach and put an end to treating his darling princesses as mini-adults instead of children, we might not have made it.

Best of luck to you!

"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"

LizzieA's picture

I agree with the others. He shouldn't ask her about marrying you, it is not her decision. Her response is very telling. It's not a competition, the roles are different. But somehow these daughters get put in the adult spouse role with their daddies. Not cool.