DH can KEEP struggling... when he realizes he needs help, DONT COME TO ME!
So I talked to the idiot (DH) last night about him being a doormat all the time for BM to walk on anytime she wants. I also explained to him what is included in his court order cause he is too careless to find out for himself. Let him know what's what and that paying for extracurricular activities for his daughter is not his obligation. This guy is in debt up to the COT DAMN YING YANG... and yet he can spend money on things he doesn't even have to spend it on. NEVERMIND the money he is giving to BM is coming from ME!!!! Yeah, I sympathized with him and his situation at first cause his CS was so high, that I would be the loving wife that I am and give him extra money every month since he is left with only a few hundred dollars after he pays for the highest "bills" (CS, rent). I take care of everythhing else. We live in housing that takes the BAH for the person who is the highest ranking so they take his (we're both in the military). So I think I'm doing him a solid. Then come to find out he's been giving extra money to BM on the side. THIS B*TCH HAS A CONDO, LIVING WITH HER "FIANCE" AND JUST HAD ANOTHER BABY OUT OF WEDLOCK.... so my DH is taking care of a whole other family.... Now, BM wants to put SD3 into gymnastics classes.... WHAT THE HELL FOR???? IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD IT TRICK, OBVIOUSLY SD3 SHOULD LIVE WITHOUT IT.... but noooo, she comes to my DH and he says yes to her every desire. He found out yesterday he didnt have to pay for the classes, and that he should be putting any money he can towards his debt. I've told him over and over again that I would help him with his debt but now since I found out exactly where his priorities lie... I'M DONE!!!! IF HE WANTS TO KEEP PLEASING BM TO AVOID CONFLICT AND SPEND MONEY ON UNECESSARY SH*T, BE MY GUEST!!! He said after he helps pay for these classes, he won't help her anymore. LIE NUMERO UNO.... I told him he has a problem with saying no to her... he doesn't believe me of course.... but MARK MY WORDS.... he will find himself in a place where the term "doormat" will seem like a compliment for someone like him. I love him but I'm done trying to help someone who doesn't want to be helped. Too bad he doesn't know he the laughing stock of BM's entire family.... everyone thinks she does everything on her own... she gives no credit to my DH.... maybe one day he'll see how much of a fool he is. When that day comes... I will be more than happy to point the finger and say, " Hell, I TOLD YOU SO!"
- nevathotthizwudhappen7's blog
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