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melis070179's Blog

My EX is an idiot

melis070179's picture

So I get a voicemail saying to expect my child support to get cut in half because my EX has another kid on the way...(we have no court order, we just agreed on an amount)...he is not remarried, I am. I wrote him an email stating that just because he knocked up some girl does not mean that he can pay me half & give her the other half, that it means he has to pay DOUBLE the child support now. His support for our child does not decrease with every new child he has. The cost of our child does not all the sudden decrease because he's knocked someone up! Ugh...he makes me sick.

Sight of BM makes me sick

melis070179's picture

Do most people get that sick, want to throw up feeling when they see the BM? We are going to Indiana for Thanksgiving to visit MIL & hubby's grandparents, like we do every year, and this is also where "SS" & BM live, in the next town over from them. I thankfully only see BM once a year for a few moments when we drop off SS after our visit, on our way back home. Last year BM actually talked my hubby into stopping by her great grandma's house before we left because she was sick and just came home from the hospital and she thought it'd be nice of him to visit her. barf.

SKs family?

melis070179's picture

I was wondering how many of you actually think of your stepkids as your family? I know some of you have your SKs a lot more than I do (mine lives 14 hrs away) and maybe thats why I feel the disconnect, but I honestly do NOT think of my SS as my family. I just can't seem to get the feeling! Is this common?

Family portraits

melis070179's picture

Does anyone else feel like they aren’t supposed to take family pictures without the step-child(ren)? We have recently took some family pictures without my step-son being here, and while I don’t want him to feel left out, I also want pictures with just my family that lives in my house on a daily basis (step-son is out of state and is only here in the summer) do other people handle this?

Things are looking better

melis070179's picture

So the visit with my MIL went really well, which surprises me. She's off all her pain meds that made her so loopy & sleepy, so we actually had a nice visit. Next we have to go to Indiana for Thanksgiving (where MIL, "SS", and the BM live) We will try to arrange for SS to already be at MIL's house by the time we arrive so we don't have to go to BM's house to pick him up. So hopefully, if all goes well, we'll only have the see her when we drop him off when we leave town. Fingers crossed at least.

mother in law driving me insane

melis070179's picture

So my mother in law is a real piece of work...she always emails me & often has something bad to say about BM (they live in the same town, we are out of state) and always tells me how much she loves me & how glad she is my husband has me in his life yada yada...well there was some nasty emails going back & forth between BM and me because I emailed her to tell her to let SS know his bday present was on its way, but will probably be a couple days late thru the mail. She has a nasty comment back about it being late.
