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Sight of BM makes me sick

melis070179's picture

Do most people get that sick, want to throw up feeling when they see the BM? We are going to Indiana for Thanksgiving to visit MIL & hubby's grandparents, like we do every year, and this is also where "SS" & BM live, in the next town over from them. I thankfully only see BM once a year for a few moments when we drop off SS after our visit, on our way back home. Last year BM actually talked my hubby into stopping by her great grandma's house before we left because she was sick and just came home from the hospital and she thought it'd be nice of him to visit her. barf. She also enticed him by saying she had left SS's football pictures there, in case hubby wanted any. It made me sick that he agreed to go visit her great grandma, he is not part of her family anymore! They've been divorced for 8 years, and were only married a total of 3 1/2, with a separation in the middle. So we get to the great grandma's house, I stay in the car with my son. He comes out about 10 minutes later, with football pictures THAT WE ALREADY HAVE. Yep, pictures from the year before. So this year I tell him I don't want to go to IN...and in an effort to talk me into it, he promises that he will not let her try to manipulate him into visiting anyone in her family, ever again. Then tops it off with an "in fact, I'll have my mom drive SS home so we don't have to see her at all"...ahhh, at last the sick to my stomach feeling is gone Smile Now he just better stick to his word!


bellacita's picture

thankfully i dont see the bitch anymore since the last time she verbally assaulted me on our front door...she is no longer allowed anywhere near our house. so that helps taht i dont have to see her anymore. the last time i saw her was court several months ago and the mere sight of her made me sick.

it even makes me feel ill every time she calls or texts. its awful...and the whole time SD is over, im sick just wondering if, but mostly when, BM will call or text to start new drama.


"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

melis070179's picture

There's no way I could handle living in the same state, I don't know how you guys do it! I don't want to ever have to see her, but I also don't let my husband go over there alone either (she tries to manipulate him constantly, so I learned that lesson early on)...luckily the longer we are married the easier it is for him to stand up to her!

bellacita's picture

it doesnt have to be. we wouldnt have nearly as many problems w her if she didnt do all this stuff to us, just bc she was mad he is w me now and another woman is in her kid's life. if she could get over herself and put her supoosed love for SD over her hatred for me, we could all be much more cordial.

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

lil_teapot's picture

If bm's and steps could just find a way to get along everything would be that much easier. It just is sooo hard when one part of the equation wont or cant get along for whatever reason.
I know I wouldn't hate the bm so much if she would simply respect the boundary that is my home and stay the hell out of it. If she could do that, i would't hate her...honestly. It's about respect and healthy boundaries.

Colorado Girl's picture

I get an anxiety stomach rumble.

It's not the sight of her, it's the unpredicatability of what she might do. I like structure and routine and she is neither. Her presence is very unnerving to me. She can take anything I say or do wrong sending her into a tailspin that directly affects my husband.

So yes, she makes me sick...but not in the traditional sense.

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

bellacita's picture

i feel the same way...its bc of all shes done to us, all shes put us thru, what an awful attitude she has, her unpredictability, the living in fear of what she might do next, etc etc etc. its tough to live w.

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

stuckinthemiddle's picture

So yes, I do see her at the store and the kids events often. Everytime I do see her, I feel queasy and anger towards her. I just hate going to events with her there "pretending" to be the perfect parent. Meanwhile, her b.s. is the reason the kids have anxiety issues and her controlling behavior only hurts the kids. They aren't allowed to bring whatever SHE buys them over to our house. Not only that but, when our paths do cross I still try to say hi, for the sake of the kids and she acts nervous, uncomfortable and usually does not respond. At least she could be the fake b#@^ch she really is in front of the kids. But no, she makes them feel uneasy when we come up to them while they are with her. It's like they are not normal and picking up on her hatred towards us.

justwantpeace's picture

to my stomach, luckily, I only have to see her once a year. But when I start feeling sick and think I am going to throw up, she walks in the room, or airport or where ever and when I notice that she is even bigger and uglier than the past year, I suddenly get this sense of peace. Petty I know. Seriously though, I do get sick, but for the most part, we are just civil to each other for the kids sake. Although after this summer and the things SS's had told me, I am not sure how next year will go. Maybe I will throw up on her. Ha ha ha
Making the decision to have a child is momentous~ It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside of your body~

littlegrlzx4's picture

she makes me ill like nothing I've ever experienced. Upset stomach, clammy hands, racing heartbeat, you name it. The horrible part is our kids all go to the same school. There are so many reasons I get this visceral reaction (what she has and will done, simply the person she is, etc) but I can't get over it yet.

So I hide. When she drops the kids off, I'm somewhere else. I don't go to events that I don't have to be at if she'll be there. If I do have to go, I have a book or something else to occupy any extra time. It's horrible for the kids to be a part of that drama so I avoid it at all costs.

now4teens's picture

She does, unfortunately, live very close to us, so I do, unfortunately, also have the opportunity to "bump into" her at public places like the grocery store, gas station, etc. And I totally understand the feelings that most of you guys described (well-said, Colorado Girl, that's it to a "t").

But my experience is different. Although the BM in my case causes untold and unending trouble in our lives, SHE is totally scared to death and jealous of me. So even though she still does "drive-by's" down my street because the incredible jealousy of me & DHs life just eats her up inside, when she sees me in public, her face turns ghost white and she literally will run the other way...and I just LOVE IT!

Now mind you, I have NEVER done anything to her (always taken the "high road". Always done the "right thing") but she's done PLENTY to me. So maybe she's just WAITING for me to snap or something, I don't know.

But all I do know is one time I was in the supermarket and I was just "doing my thing" and oblivious to the world, and she turned the corner of the same aisle and saw me, and I thought she literally had an accident in her pants! She couldn't back out of the aisle fast enough. It was priceless. I just smiled at her (ok, maybe a little "wickedly"), and she almost died! And I happily continued my shopping.

And now, I live for moments just like that! Because I know that without saying ANYTHING, without being a WITCH (like she's been), I've gotten to her. And I'm ok with that.

In fact, it makes me hold my head up just a little bit higher and smile just a little bit brighter when we have to walk into those school events and she's there. Because I know SHE'S the one who is feeling sick.

Karma's a bitch.

"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis

extraordinary coper's picture

My partner and I have a very good relationship and have provided a stable environment for his daughter who is very well adjusted and happy. I have an excellent relationship with her and she relies on me a lot. I have made every effort to build our small blended family except: BM goes insane and nasty every single time I have something to do with her daughter. She refuses to acknowledge my existence but knowingly leaves her in my care when she is sick or off school or has other plans. I am the one who shows up at her school while her mother makes her 4 year old take a bus. She is constantly sending nasty emails but never seems to take time off to take care of her daughter. She doesn't take her to the doctor or dentist and we have to desanitize the child when she arrives at our door. I am ALWAYS anxiety ridden about what she will do next as it becomes a huge drama....My husband does not even respond or play on her emotions and it drives me crazy that he doesn;t just blast her. He says it no use and she won;t change. He is right because it just causes more wasted time but I am always itching to put her in her place. I help her out a lot and have never responded to her tirades but she can't have it both ways....

Sebbie's picture

I would rather be hated for who I am, then loved for who I am not.

Bm lives in another state, 6 hours away, however, even when driving with my dh to go pick up ss for visitation, I become filled with anxiety. Just KNOWING we are getting closer to where the bm is geographically gets my gut churning a bit. It is very obvious to me that the anxiety I feel is due to all the drama, lies, threats, ect that we had to experience in dealing with the bm during the first 2 years dh and I were together. Though we solved those issue's by no longer communicating with her except by certified mail.It is also because though bm will not physically do the exchanges with us,(as she in her true victim role, states she is fearful of us, and so she has her brother, friends, boyfriends,essentially total strangers... actually walk ss up to dh and I) its the knowing she is sitting in the car of whomever she rode with and is watching my dh and I. We always meet inside very public locations to do the exchanges, so we tend to wait at least 5-10 minutes before taking ss and going out to our vehicle so as to give the bm time to leave. However she has on occassion waited for us to leave so she can drive by us staring, laughing and pointing like some 5 year old child.Even though I have some anxiety, I feel its well worth it knowing that bm is nothing more than a spectator to the wonderful life I have with dh now.

frances's picture

Well, I have a very different relationship with the BM. We get along really well. When the kids moved to college she came with us. She has come over for Christmas morning and spent time with the kids. My H has always had full custody of his kids because she left due to a prescription drug problem. The oldest son turned 21 and wanted to have her for lunch at his Grandma's house, (my husband's mom) and we all agreed she could come there as well. I have found that no matter what, this is the kids mom and always will be. I am a BM myself and my kids have a step mother and we get along as well, but only as a result of setting this up from the beginning. I think it mostly came from me making everything ok and letting it be ok for the BM to come around. She will even just walk on in now with knocking. It was weird at first but the love and respect that the Step kids have for me is amazing that I have accepted their mom. My kids step mom is a little harder because I have had a rough time with my ex and she always wants to defend him even when he is wrong but, this can work guys. My husband loves me, not her. He is married to me, not her. No matter what happens we are living our lives as one and doing the best for our kids, is hard work but so worth it in the end.

Endora's picture

I believe IF the focus is on the kids and there is NO emotional baggage between former spouses-it can work-but I think it is very rare in real life.

My former spouse of 20 years and I are SO over and my DH is SO over his Ex of 17 years-but she has jealousy issues (not about us being together per say -but about our supposedly PERFECT life(in her head) and due to her bad choices, her life is not so good)so that baggage lingers and guess who suffers in the end?

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

Oct4Bride's picture

I agree the emotional baggage is usually what causes the problems. Even when BM remarries and has more children by another man, she still feels that she has control over DH. I can't stand BM, she is only nice to DH when its to her advantage. When she does not get her way she is very spiteful. DH does not help the situtation because he lets her talk to him in any way she pleases and he rarely stands up for himself. I try so hard not to slap BM when i see her, she needs a serious ass whooping. My husband just needs to put her in her place, i am sure all the drama will end after that!

bellacita's picture

i can relate to everything you said. my DH would let her say whatever just bc he didnt wanna talk to her more than he had to and didnt care what she had to say/lie about anyway. i tol dhim he needed to stand up to her and once he started, she rarely opens her mouth anymore. of course, thsi coudl be coupled w the fact that her paycheck doubled so its enough to keep her knows and who cares??

btw...did u get married on oct 4th?? i did! congrats to u if so!!

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin