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melis070179's Blog

Fathers Day

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Anyone have any gift ideas for Father's Day? I want it to be special for DH..this is his first real Father's Day (our son was born right after Father's Day last year) and even though SS is not his biokid, DH has never actually spent a Fathers Day with him anyone have any ideas?

exH sending me pictures

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My exH is sending me pictures of his new GF!! How sick and twisted is that? He's sent 4 so far & keeps asking what I think of her, do I think she's pretty, etc. All I've said is no comment. And get this, he told his GF that he sent them to me...and she gave him another one to send me, one she likes of herself. Who DOES that?! And WHY? That would be like me telling my DH to send pictures of me to BM. I'm very confused and pretty annoyed at this. Just needed to vent Wink

BM butting in again!

melis070179's picture

I'm so irritated. So yesterday we get a call from DHs grandma, his mom is in the hospital. She has some kind of respitory infection and pneumonia. He calls SS for his weekly call and tells him about it. So this morning we come out of church and DH sees a missed call from a number not programmed in his phone, but we know its from the state his mom lives in (and BM & SS) by the area code. So he calls it back. BM answers and he asked what she needed. She wanted to know if he heard about his mom being in the hospital :jawdrop: WTF! OF COURSE HE KNOWS, ITS HIS MOM!!!!

Our BKs

melis070179's picture

After all the blogs I've read on here about the bio kids getting the shaft because of high cs for SKs or SKs getting the "poor you" treatment, I feel really bad for dad's kids with the 2nd wife! And this is odd to me because I am the child of my dad & mom's first marriage...they divorced and I am the one that felt like I got the shaft because I didn't have my parents together, I was always missing out on some family thing with one side while I was visiting with the other side.

Email from frustrating

melis070179's picture

Start at the bottom and read up. This happens on a daily basis, usually I don't respond at all. We have been split for almost 4 years, and he's never stopped. I wish I didn't have to deal with him at all...he makes me sick. AND he has a frickin girlfriend! I'm so tempted to send this to her myspace, but I know he can just say I altered it and she'd believe him. Whatever.


-----Original Message-----
From: Melissa
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 9:43 AM
To: Brandon MST2
Subject: RE:

The hell you are

BS5 is mean to DH

melis070179's picture

I don't know when this started, maybe the last year or so I've seen the signs of my son's attitude starting. I want to turn this around before it gets really bad. BS5 seems like he is always mad about something and he's starting to become mean to my DH, he is to me too, but seems worse with DH. He shushes my DH if he starts whistling or singing (which he does sing really badly and thinks its amusing to torture us with) My son is impossible to keep happy for more than an this normal? I feel like we're always walking on eggshells cause he gets mad about everything!


melis070179's picture

Has anyone seen this movie? My DH & I watched it last night after someone he worked with told him about it. Not the greatest acting, but a pretty good message. Just came out on DVD. Its about saving your marriage. Just wondering whose seen it and their opinions, I suggest everyone watch it.

Not taking SS on vacation...

melis070179's picture

Do any of you ever take vacations without the SKs? Here's my situation: usually SS comes here for 7-10 in the summer...but this year MIL wants us to go to their state this summer for a week for my DHs grandpa's 80th birthday, which I have unhappily agreed to (I hate going to their podunk town & all the hassles of traveling 14 hrs in a car with small children) So, this year we are not flying SS out here, since we will be making the trip there.
