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question about BMs

melis070179's picture

What do you think most BMs hate more...the stepmom that loves her kids & bonds with them or the stepmom that stays completely out of their lives & barely speaks to them? Not mean to them, but just completely uninvolved and uncaring towards them?


melis070179's picture

Thats really all I can say right now. I'm sure every single person on this site can relate to that feeling! MIL already asking for us to come visit this summer...everyone in the family. Thats really only 9-10 people...but thats 9-10 people in a small 3 bedroom house, for AN ENTIRE WEEK. WTH. So far away yet too damn soon! I hate being away from my own an uncomfortable a noisy crazy house...with my a podunk town with literally NOTHING to do besides go to Walmart. Sounds great!

Proof men are not as territorial as women!

melis070179's picture

So I've been with my DH for a little over 3 years. I split with my exH in 8/05 & met my DH in 11/05. I was still married when we met because our state you have to be legally separated for a year before getting divorced. So anyway, my exH and I STILL have a joint checking account. Apparently I am the only one this bothers. My ex & my DH see nothing wrong with it! I cannot remove myself from the account unless my ex signs.

MIL always asking for money for "SS"

melis070179's picture

Do you guys ever have to deal with other family members asking for money for your SK's? We're in a different state than SS, BM & MIL...they live within 15 miles of eachother. MIL emails me & asks if we could help her pay for professional basketball tickets to take SS11 to. WTF? She lives on disability, doesn't work. She's always asking for help paying for things. We used to always buy her plane tickets to come visit but we stopped this year when I got laid off, told her we couldn't afford to anymore. Now I'm not getting child support from my older son's dad either.

SS11 smoking?

melis070179's picture

My DH was on the phone with his grandma yesterday & she says that MIL found cigarettes in SS's pocket & he always smells like smoke. I said he has always smelled like smoke because nasty BM & her nasty boyfriend always smoke inside that little trailer...with 5 kids in it. I said maybe he is, maybe thats why he's always coughing & has a sore throat, or maybe thats from the 2nd hand smoke. I'm surprised MIL hasn't called or emailed about this, she likes to be information central.

Question in regards to Arianna's post...

melis070179's picture

I noticed most people that said to not throw out old pics and momentos of BM said to keep them for the if there was no kids from a marriage & you're remarried, then do you throw them out? or do you still keep them? How long do you keep them, forever? Do you think 25 years down the road when you've been remarried for most of your adult life you will still feel the need to hang onto pics of a previous marriage?

Divorce rates

melis070179's picture

I always hear how the divorce rate for first marriages is 50% and second marriages its 75%...and I never understood this until now. I always thought the divorce rate for 2nd marriages would be lower because you go into a 2nd marriage & you already know what marriage involves, you've learned from the mistakes you made in the first one. First marriages often end as a result of being married too young, partners changing, growing apart, wanting different things out of life, not fighting fair, cheating & general immaturity.


melis070179's picture

What do you guys all have to deal with in regards to pictures of the BM? Does your husband/boyfriend have old pictures of her with the kids, or their old wedding pictures, etc sitting in a photo album or picture box in the garage? My husband did...he says because he was too lazy to go through all his pictures to get rid of the ones with her in them...but a little while after he moved in with me I made him do it. I said you are welcome here, your EX is not! Funny thing is, he didn't ask me to do the same. I still have pics of my EX somewhere, I'm sure.
