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MIL always asking for money for "SS"

melis070179's picture

Do you guys ever have to deal with other family members asking for money for your SK's? We're in a different state than SS, BM & MIL...they live within 15 miles of eachother. MIL emails me & asks if we could help her pay for professional basketball tickets to take SS11 to. WTF? She lives on disability, doesn't work. She's always asking for help paying for things. We used to always buy her plane tickets to come visit but we stopped this year when I got laid off, told her we couldn't afford to anymore. Now I'm not getting child support from my older son's dad either. I explained to her last month when she asked us to help her pay the photographer she had booked for our visit ($250, she could put in $ basically she booked him & expected us to pay for most of it) We didn't pay any, told her we couldn't afford to, so then she asked DH's brother (who is a pychatrist with no family to support) Why she didn't ask him in the first place is beyond me. So just 3 weeks ago we told her that with xmas, paying for our trip to visit & me not getting cs right now, we can't afford any extras for awhile. Then she turns around and emails me this. I don't understand why she just doesn't get it? I feel like telling her to go ask BM since all the money we have for SS we send to her! Plus the game is on a Tuesday night 45 min from their house starting at 7pm...he'll have school the next day. To this info she responds, oh BM will let me take him to school late. Ugh...this woman drives me nuts. Oh, and this is one day after she finds cigarettes in his pocket! What should I say to her?


Rags's picture

I can understand helping the MIL or other family members when possible but this sounds pretty ridiculous to me.

Not only is she mooching off of you, she wants YOU to reward SS for smoking?

I hope your H is the Milk Mans or a MUTANT and does not have that genetic ailment to face as he ages. Wink

My I-Ls don't ask for money specifically but the Christmas list that we get is completely different than the one they give to each other. The non Rags family lists (books, CDs, clothing, gift cards, etc...) The list submitted to the Rags family (cars, college tuition, hundreds or thousands of dollars, mortgage payments).

I am so thankful that my wife is a MUTANT!

Best regards,

melis070179's picture

Well he looks exactly like his dad, so I don't think he's the milk man's...but I'm pretty sure his brother is! But fortunately neither my husband nor his brother are anything like her! Neither have ever asked for a dime from anyoone...not even in high school. They bought their own cars...BIL took out thousands in student loans to pay for college (he's a doctor)...I'm surprised considering who they were raised by!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

Rags's picture

her BioDad was killed in a car wreck before my MIL even knew she was pregnant. My wife was born 8mos after he died. M-I-L remarried to F-I-L when wife was 2mos old. So maybe the difference in paternal genetic contribution is the difference for my wife.

Sounds like your I-Ls raised some pretty good men in spite of the issues you presented.

Best regards,

Sia's picture

I think I would pretend I never got the email! }:)

melis070179's picture

I would but I saw that she copied my husband on it was an email to "us"...maybe I should just go into his email & delete it and pretend I never got it either }:)

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

SM#1's picture

I will just send her an email saying that it is Xmas time and you simply can't afford it, so sorry. He will have to miss this game. It will make it seem better. Man I would give anything for SD and BM to move to another state!! You are lucky--compared to some of us.

melis070179's picture

Thats what I ended up she is going to ask BM if she can help her. Guarantee if BM does, she's going to tell my DH she needs more money from him for it. It always comes back on us! I could NEVER live in the same area as BM. barf. She thinks I like her though, which is the funniest part to me. I don't know where she gets this idea!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"