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Proof men are not as territorial as women!

melis070179's picture

So I've been with my DH for a little over 3 years. I split with my exH in 8/05 & met my DH in 11/05. I was still married when we met because our state you have to be legally separated for a year before getting divorced. So anyway, my exH and I STILL have a joint checking account. Apparently I am the only one this bothers. My ex & my DH see nothing wrong with it! I cannot remove myself from the account unless my ex signs. I could close it, but the only reason I never did (back when I was trying to get my ex to close it too) is because my ex in is the coast guard & his paycheck gets deposited into that account. He always used the excuse that he was scared they would screw up his pay if he tried to change his direct deposit (this happened once when we first got married & opened the account) So if I just closed it without him changing his pay, it would take FOREVER for the military to fix it, as was the case last time. Which means he doesn't get his money, and I don't get my cs. So for 3 1/2 years since we split, we still have this account together, his paycheck still gets deposited into it, which I then take what I need for cs & transfer him the rest to his other account. This is the only thing this account is used for. If I were my husband I would FLIP OUT over this and make him close the account. He knows this. I've offered repeatedly to just close it anyway if it bothers him & told him if the roles were reversed, I would be upset. He says its no big deal to him & he'd rather we make sure to get the cs on time since we can't make my ex change his direct deposit. I love that my husband can be so understanding...I wish I could be like that! My ex gets out of the coast guard in March so this situation will finally come to an end and I WILL be closing that account!


toomuchstresshere's picture

Sorry but I agree with your husband. I know it bothers you and you want to sever all ties with the ex but in this case you are very fortunate that your ex lets you take what you need and transfer the rest to him. There are so many people out there that are on their own and can't get the ex to pay any CS. So, it ends soon but just think about how lucky you are to get the money every month on time. Instead of being handed every excuse in the book as to why he can't pay. And take comfort in the fact that this will all be over soon! Smile

melis070179's picture

oh I agree completely that my husband & I are very fortunate that this works in our favor, for now. If I was my ex though, no way would I trust him with my paycheck. And if my DH had a joint checking account with his ex, I'd be so upset! Thats another reason my ex does it though I think, he knows he's irresponsible and also if he was mad at me around payday he wouldn't send the money. But he knows that even if he's making my life hell, which he often does, I will still transfer him his paycheck. I guarantee though if he was in a relationship his new partner probably wouldn't put up with this!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

Colorado Girl's picture

if he had a new wife, there is no way she would allow this.

I think your ex is just lazy. Responsible but lazy.

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

melis070179's picture

oh yeah...I think it just goes to show though that men really don't view this kind of thing as a way of "holding on" to their old life/spouse like some of us women view it...they really just view it as a checking account! And are just lazy. But as soon as there is a 2nd woman involved in this situation it would become a HUGE deal. And I certainly WOULDN'T BLAME HER!!!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"