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O/T Bank gave my Husband info from my Bank Account that he's not on

24 years as a SM's picture

I need advice on this please.
My husband found out about my separate bank account. He went to the bank to deposit a pay check and while there he asked for the balance on our joint account, the teller told him the balance and said “I see another account in your wife’s name with (my son’s name) as beneficiary, do you want that balance too?” This B&TCH gave him my balance and how often I deposit money into my account. I thought that you couldn’t give anyone, including spouses information on an account if they’re name wasn’t on it? Needless to say he was furious and to keep the peace we went to the bank and closed my separate account and put over $6000 into the joint account. If this is illegal what steps can I take towards the bank to stop this happening again? By the way my SD34 is the beneficiary for the joint account.


KittyKatMomma's picture

I can tell you right now-where I live-you could have had her job.
They're not allowed to give that information.

I wouldn't have closed the account.
My father told us daughters-to always keep a separate account from our boyfriends/husbands.
My BIL and my DH are both aware we have our own accounts-they don't care what's in them or want access to them.

24 years as a SM's picture

Thank you, so I am not crazy, I looked everywhere in the privacy policy for the bank and couldn't find anything.

The only reason I closed the account was to keep him from throwing a 60 year old man-trum. I plan on opening another account, but I don't want this to happen again. We live in a small rural area with few banks. SD34 knows tellers at the other bank, so I won't bank there either.

KittyKatMomma's picture

Contact the manager.
Fck that-let him throw his tantrum.
I realize when you're married-there's no secrets blah blah-but still-his name wasn't on it-NOT his business.

I am like you-I do online work for cash-I have a stash account. DH knows I have it-he doesn't ask for the info even though we're on each other's regular accounts.

Consider going out of town to do your banking.
My stepdad's sister and their SIL used to work at the same bank-the SIL did some shady crap like what was done to you-my aunt reported it-SIL got fired. Not only that-was flagged through several other banks so she was unable to work in a bank for a long time.

24 years as a SM's picture

My husband wanted SD34 as the beneficiary if something happened to us and money was needed for emergency medical or death.

24 years as a SM's picture

Yes, but I have to go out of town to find another bank. Only 2 in town and my SD34 friends work at the other one so I won't use that one. I am so mad that this happened, if they will give my husband my information, who else are they giving it to.

24 years as a SM's picture

My husband is off work with bad knees right now, so I have to waiting until he's not around to contact the bank. Anytime I start to go any where right now he wants to go with me. I work from home on line, so it's unusual for me to leave during the day. But I really want this B*tch fired. The money was cash that I had been saving up from side jobs, just a nest egg for my disabled son if something happened to me or if things got too bad with my husband and SD34, I would have the money to leave.

AmIWicked's picture

I live in a small town and have had this happen to me.
DH has lived in this town his whole life, so has my FIL.
while we were dating I went in to deposit paychecks of DH when I was depositing my own(different account).
They told me DH's account balance before we were married.
We also ROUNTINELY made withdraws out of each other's accounts.
DH would do it for his parents too.
Small towns are different, yeah they could enter a shit storm if anyone from the outside did it or complained, but small towns operate under trust.
Family and decades of community.

Not saying it's right for OP situation. She should own that bank's ass.
But I do believe what she said happened based on what I've seen personally.

SM12's picture

Are you serious?? Why would you think this couldn't happen? Of course it can happen.
Why are you so damn negative all the time. The only time you post is to bust someones balls and be rude.

I live in a very small town as well and YES...I can see this happening. Banks don't train their tellers on all the dirty little details. I worked at a bank for years and NO ONE ever told me not to tell a spouse about another spouses account. Now granted, I wasn't a little twit would have done that anyway.
However, it is very possible this did happen. I have a an account in my name only at a different bank. DH and I know one of the tellers. It is very possible that we could see her out and she could mention seeing me at the bank. Therefore, he would ask why I was there. My account is not exactly secret but DH doesn't have any ideas about balances.

So seriously Sue...stop with the negative. I honestly don't understand why you bother posting.

furkidsforme's picture

That's insane. He has no right to have knowledge of ANY account he is not on. WTF??? You definitely need to investigate.

Disneyfan's picture

Where does your son live? If he's out of town, how about opening an account there? You can use Western Union to wire him the cash and have him deposit it into the account for you.

24 years as a SM's picture

No, I am not afraid of my husband, I am afraid of not having money if I leave with my son and being homeless. My income is not the greatest. I only make $2000 a month. In California you can't survive with rent and other bills on this kind on money. Not unless you want to live in a ghetto.

" is your husband depositing pay checks and off work with bad knees?" My husband went out on disability last week and got his last check from working the week before.

Disneyfan's picture


notarelative's picture

You have a disabled son. You closed the account that he was beneficiary on and deposited it in an account that has SD as beneficiary.

Talk to the bank manager. See a lawyer. See a therapist.

notsobad's picture

Make any excuse necessary to get out of the house and go talk to the bank manager. I'd also send an email to the national office of the bank. I'm in Canada and so I know that banking here is different than banking there but it is a chargeable offence to reveal someones banking information here and the bank has to put the money back. She should at the very least be fired.

Now because you willing moved the money into the joint account I doubt that they would give you another $6K but they should set up another account and know to keep their mouth shut.

As to why you moved the money, that's a marital thing between you and your husband.
I have a separate account and my DH knows and is fine with it. From my past with exH I need to have money that I know is mine and only mine. It gives me a sense of security.

HappilySelfish679's picture

Why can't you keep your own account wth money you earn ? WTF ? That's abuse right there !

Icansorelate's picture

You definitely have a legit issue with that teller. But, you have a bigger one with your DH and yourself. Why in the world did you let him bully you into moving the money?

Right now and I mean right now, open an online savings account at any bank, Capital One, Barclay's , and Sallie Mae all come to my mind as they all have relatively high interest rates, link the joint account, move YOUR money, then once it transfers, unlink the accounts. Set it up jointly with your son and have him also be the benificiary and then tell your DH to GF himself. It is YOUR money that you earned.

notasm3's picture

These situations are so sad. One person is a hideous bully and the other is beaten down to a pathetic doormat. Makes me want to scream.

notasm3's picture

I was born in CA - I lived most of my life.

There are so many places in the US where one can live for a fraction of the cost.

Disneyfan's picture

If she allowed an old man to "bully" her into doing something that can cause her to be fired, she's an idiot.

I bet he found out about the account and made up the lie about the teller spilling the beans.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

You posted before I could. I bet he found out about the account and doesn't want OP to know how he found out. So he blamed it on the teller.

OP, you should go the bank and find out what really happened. Don't start by accusing the teller of wrong doing - instead stay neutral and see what you can learn.

Buggy2's picture

You are right. The bank could have mailed a statement to their home OP opened up thinking it was joint account. The bank could have linked the two accounts together by mistake when they were doing their audits. My bank did this by mistake, linked my account to my parents. So I saw everything. I needed to go to bank and have account separated it was pain.

thinkthrice's picture

Just sounds like old school to me. Most of the generation over 50 was taught that the man iz the "boss" and the woman obeys orders. Something especially reinforced because back then, usually the man was the breadwinner.

That being said, I think she is being bullied and I think he's been snooping. Sounds like he found out and blamed the teller. Either that or the teller IS the BM! In fact he sounds a lot like Chef who got pissed when he found out I had a tiny work-based life ins policy for my bios.

I now have a secret will. Wink

twoviewpoints's picture

It's not going to any good for either one of them to keep playing 'move the money' in the event of possible divorce ("The money was cash that I had been saving up from side jobs, just a nest egg for my disabled son if something happened to me or if things got too bad with my husband and SD34, I would have the money to leave. ***from OP'S earlier comment above)

California is a community property state. An individual bank account in the scenario she's describing this money as having come from regardless of who's name is on account would be considered marital property.

PokaDotty's picture

I work in compliance for a major bank. My recommendation would be to file a complaint with the CFPB. These complaints are taken very seriously.

thinkthrice's picture

Chef pulled his account from a credit union when we discovered that his nephew's ex wife was working there. She's buddy buddy with the Girhippo.

ItsGrowingOld's picture

If this man really loved and cared about you, he would WANT you to have this account. You wouldn't have to keep this account secret. Your husband sounds abusive and you seem to be afraid of him??

If I were you, I would seek counseling. You need strength and fortitude to face your husband and tell him he does not rule your life.

Good luck, hun. I grew up in a small town, under 500 people. Everyone knew everyone. The town residents favorite passtime event was gossiping and tattling. Your situation is believable.

zerostepdrama's picture

Meh its an honest mistake. No one is perfect and crap happens. Sometimes its big, sometimes its not. Not to excuse it of course. But I wouldn't want to try to get someone fired over it. I guess given your DH's reaction, I can see why you are so upset over the accidental disclosure.

I think your bigger problem is with your DH and not with the bank.

SM12's picture

Whats the matter Sue...don't like someone being RUDE to you??
Well then stop being so damn rude to everyone else.
I have read many comments you have made to MANY posts and I honestly can't recall ONE single bit of advise.
All you do is spew rude remarks and snotty ass comments.
I have every right to post my opinion, just as you do.
You aren't here for anything other than your sick pleasure.
So I hope everyone reads this and gives a big HELL YEA!
Because trust me...there are MANY more who feel the same way but won't say it.
So dear Sue...SUCK IT!!!!!

misSTEP's picture

1. My DH went to an EAP counselor because they assured him it was confidential. I won't go into details but it most assuredly was NOT. His employer ended up knowing details they NEVER should have.

2. Use an online bank. There are online banks that don't even HAVE physical branches. You can use ATMs from any bank usually. Use one of those. Nobody will be telling your asshole, er - husband, ANYTHING.

3. Take that damn money back out. He is going to be relying on you more than ever and what about YOUR son? What happens if you BOTH pass away and all YOUR money that you had stashed for your SON goes to his kid instead??

stepinafrica's picture

You should not have lied to your husband.

You also did not need to hand over the money.

Why not just tell him you have to save the money for your disabled son? Any man with half a brain should be able to understand that.

RLZ0073's picture

as he bullied you into taking your own money you earned and putting it in this ‘joint’ account. It sounds like this is nothing new for him and that he has controlled a lot of stuff in y’alls lives.

First, call the bank manager and report that stupid teller. If his name is in no way on that account, she shouldn’t have given him info.

Secondly, I’d consult a lawyer. One that practices family and estate law.

Lastly, you need to open a bank account someplace else, whether out of town or online. I have a completely online savings account just so neither myself nor my H have access... it’s a great place for me to stash extra money and make some extra interest.