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I have a pet peeve about cabinet doors left open...

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So, my FH and his kids leave the cabinet doors open all the time and it pisses me off to no end! So I told them at dinner the other day when I found a cabinet door open that I'm going to open EVERY cabinet and drawer so they can close em all themselves....and so they can see how much it pisses me off. Well low and behold yesterday someone left a cabinet door open and I opened EVERY drawer and door in the kitchen.

BM signed SS up for football without discussing it with us.

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FH ex-wife signed their son up for football without talking to FH. I'm pissed to every degree...he isn't saying anything to her about it.....not standing up to her about it...just letting it be. I told him that I will not be a part of if his son is in our custody and has a practice or game and FH is at work or on a side job I will NOT BE TAKING HIM! If BM signed him up without discussing it then she can be responsible for taking him to his practices and games.

Does any other SM pretend to be sick when the SK's are over?

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I'm being really honest and telling the truth... I pretend that I'm sick when the SKs are here. Especially when I know their dad is home with them. We seem to not agree on the way to raising them so I feel like he can just raise them the way he wants if I'm locked up in my room. Today he went to work for a couple hours and I was determined not to get up with his kids or take care of them because he's told me several times that they can take care of themselves. So I didn't come out of my bedroom today till my DF came home today.

Does anyone else have nightmares about BM?

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I'm not sleeping tonight because I had so many dreams about hitting BM. I get so mad during these dreams that it wakes me up. I just can't stand her so much...she's interfered in my life so much that I don't feel any compassion for her whatsoever! How do I get over the nightmare besides leaving my FH? If I do that it would break my heart plus show her that she's won.

I'm made it thru the worst vacation ever!

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Oh my gosh, I made it through the worst vacation of my life and I'm still alive! Yay! I will say I will be spending the next year trying to find a way to get out of going next year! The skids were horrid all week. All they did was fight and bicker and argue and whine the entire time! FH and I were getting ready to go out tonight (because I DEMANDED that I get some civialization time) and he said he missed the skids.

I'm on a so-called vacation with FH and skids n want to kill myself!

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I've been on their "vacation" since Saturday and I'm in absolute hell! I've been so miserable that I've cried every night. We are in the north woods WI and it just isn't my cup of tea. I'm not the "Hilton girl" but I know I'm not the "camping girl" either. My FH seems to have thrown out any kind of rules that we had for the skids this week which is pissing me off to no end. His son has been whinning and argumentative all week long and I think it's because of the sugar and soda that FH has let him have.

I told skids that if they didn't pick up after themselves...

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So I told the skids that they have to pick up their belongings before they went to their BM's house or they wouldn't have it when they came home. I even saw things of theirs left out before they left and told them to go through the house again to make sure they didn't miss anything and they both came out and said they didn't see anything. So as I said I would, I threw all the things they left out away! FH doesn't know what I threw out but he knew the rule.
