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just_tired's Blog

UPDATE....BM & her family

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YAY!!!!! We have an actual plan for this weekend, BM and her mom will get the kiddos on Friday and keep them until Sunday morning (for BM's supervised visit, first one in 2 months). Which means when my DH husband goes to work on 2nd shift it will just be me and my DS, just the 2 of us. I can't wait for some quiet time and one on one time with my boy. YAY!!!!

SD Hair

just_tired's picture

So Saturday while DH was at work I took my 3 skids out to run earns, first was to get the boys hair cut and then my sd8 ask if she could get hers trimmed and I said yes. She chose on her own to get 2 inches cut off and then the hairstylist ask if she would like to try layers and she said yes, it's her hair and who really cares as long as it looks good. Then we went grocery shopping. When Bat Shit Crazy BM just hear the words "hair cut" she went stupid...."oh no why would you do that SD.

OMG!!!!! BM and her whole damn family sucks

just_tired's picture

DH texted ExMIL about her supervising BM with skids next weekend (1st visit in 2 months) because BM asked for 2 overnights last night instead of just the one. DH wanted to make sure ExMIL was on board for the 2 nights and not just BM making shit up.

DH - Are you okay/wanting the skids for 2 nights next weekend like BM said

ExMIL - Yes I did say that but for right now we will just play it by ear

BM sucks....venting

just_tired's picture

BM calls last night 2nd time in a week to talk to her kids that she hasn't seen in 2 months. While talking to them I can hear her (they love putting her on speaker..ugh) tell them that no matter what dad and SM tell you I love you and miss you so much. She also goes on telling them that she's doing everything right to get them back (lie). She has never completed her DUI classes that she was order to do back in July, she has no job and has no place of her own.

Has anyone else ever.....

just_tired's picture

My SS9 almost 10 has a very big issue with going number 2. He holds his poo until his body can't/won't hold it any longer and then needs up pooping his pants. He has told us that it hurts to go, that he doesn't know when he needs to go and now the most honest answer of them all is "I don't want to take time to go". What can we do to correct this behavior. If he has an accident in his pants he has to hand wash his underwear by himself and he looses things he loves to do.

Deaf/Hearing Impaired Program

just_tired's picture

My YSS7 started a new school yesterday that has program for the Deaf/hearing impaired, he will receive more one on one instruction and learn sign language. He desperately needs as much help as we can give/get him, he can not read at all and in the 1st grade. BM never thought the therapies the doctor recommended where needed or important. So sadly he is behind, but hopefully this school/program will get him where he needs to be. Anywho, he had a fabulous day, told us he made 2 new friends and should us some signs already.

I wish......

just_tired's picture

I wish I could write a letter to Bat Shit Crazy BM
I wish Bat Shit Crazy would really read said letter
I wish Bat Shit Crazy would then realize how much damage she has caused her kids
I wish Bat Shit Crazy would just sign her rights away, because she doesn't see the kids, help finically...she's just a pain in our asses
I wish I could undo all the damage done to my skids

I just wish.......
