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just_tired's Blog

BM and broken promises

just_tired's picture

I am so sick of the broken promises BM is giving her youngest son, he is the only she throws the bs too bc he's the only one that believes her still. Stop telling him one day soon y'all will be together everyday, that mommy fights hard and will always fight for you.

Is there any way we can make her stop saying this stupid shit. She has yet to utilize her supervised visits at the parenting time center, bc she can't afford it. She has yet to make any efforts in paying child support. It's been almost 2 mths again since she has seen the kids.

Stupid it's over!!!!

just_tired's picture

I have no problem with DH and BM speaking about the kids even though she has no legal say in what happens with the kids and hasn't seen them since Sept 21st bc no one will supervise her dumb ass. I do have a huge problem with BM calling DH crying about everything under the sun and asking why they ever got a divorce...ummmm you screwed another guy in a public bathroom.

BM & Her attorney suck big time

just_tired's picture

DH and BM agreed on Sept 16 for him to have sole legal and physical custody and she has supervised visitation bc she is a freakin mental case, alcoholic and possible methhead. She also lost the kids in the state she lives in bc she attempted suicide earlier this year. So now 2 states don't think she should have any custody of her children. But anyway we still don't have the signed court order because her attorney doesn't give two rats asses about doing his job because he probably isn't getting paid.

Youngest SS7/hearing imparied

just_tired's picture

My youngest SS7 is hearing impaired he was born at 26 weeks and had a few other issues at birth, but the main one that still effects him today is the hearing, he has to wear hearing aids. When BM had custody of the kids SS7 hardly ever wore his aids, hell most of the time they were lost or broken. With that been said, last night during his phone call with BM he told her he didn't like his aids anymore and didn't want to wear them, she did to my surprise tell him that he needs to wear them so he can hear better. I just thought it was funny coming from her.

Sick of Evil BM

just_tired's picture

We have had full custody of SS9, SD8 & SS7 for most of the year and just won sole custody with BM having supervised visitations recently. BM is bat shit crazy, she lost her kids due to an attention stunt (supposedly attempted suicide by taking some pills and then called 911 on herself, in the police report she admitted that she was just trying to get her bf to come back over), and she has also been arrested 6 times this year, 3 of them all involve alcohol and all of the arrest but 1 have happened after CPS taking the kids.
