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BM sucks....venting

just_tired's picture

BM calls last night 2nd time in a week to talk to her kids that she hasn't seen in 2 months. While talking to them I can hear her (they love putting her on speaker..ugh) tell them that no matter what dad and SM tell you I love you and miss you so much. She also goes on telling them that she's doing everything right to get them back (lie). She has never completed her DUI classes that she was order to do back in July, she has no job and has no place of her own. She also fails to tell them that she lost the kids because CPS in KY took them from her and then she signed sole legal and physical custody to dad in Indiana. So no matter if KY says she can have them back, Indiana (where the divorce took place) says she can't and she also agreed to supervised visitation in Indiana.

Also DH and myself don't talk to the kids about her, the only time we do is if they have questions.

Never knew I could hate someone so much, hell I don't even hate my


momandmore's picture

I also never knew I could have so much hate in my hear for someone. Wow.. we have way more in common than I thought. I'm also in IN.

BM does the same crap, tells them how she's going to decorate their room (as they are rolling their eyes) BM has called once this month but will not stop texting me lame crap.

just_tired's picture

My SD8 didn't even want to talk to her and BM asked her is your dad telling you to say that. SD said no, then DH stepped in and while she was still on speaker asked SD "do you want to talk" SD sd "no" But BM tells her she has to talk to her because she is mom...ugh