justmakingthebest's Blog
Should I send it?
Backstory: When we were in SS's state in May I talked to BM. It was a really good talk. It was all how we were going to co-parent. Blah, blah, blah- all horse sh!t.
I reached out and texted yesterday saying that when we talked in May you said you would be willing to have me be the buffer and work on coparenting when she is irritated with DH. So, please call or text so we can get this resolved and SS and DH can see each other week after next. -- Of course no response.
Here is what I want to send and DH approved:
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To suspend cell phone or not... that is the question
For the last 2-3 weeks SSstb14 isn't answering DH's texts or calls. We warned SS when he was here that we are the ones paying for his cell phone. It isn't for his mom, his friends, for snapchat or anything else- it is paid for by us so that he and DH can communicate. If he continues to ignore 90% of what DH sends him and continues to only respond with an occasional "ya" then we will shut off his phone.
SS18 (autistic) got a job!!
I am so happy! He is going to be a busser at IHOP. The manager was so sweet, I called and "explained SS" before the interview.
He was so happy when he got in the car after the interview he cried. I am so happy for him! He needed a purpose. This gives him some sense of normalcy. He has been lost since he graduated. I am so thankful someone finally gave him a chance!
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Heart Broken- giving up
We talked to the lawyer again yesterday. BM is refusing to let DH see SS for the week he is in SS State. Even though we have her on record stating that she would never deny DH time with SS as long as he came to SS state.
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Welp... BM responded
"We have plans to go out of town that weekend."
That is all. No mention of the conferences, no mention of football games. BUT SUUUURRREEE they have plans to go out of town as soon as DH will arrive in state with 4 weeks notice. Yup... I totally believe it.
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I know most of you think I need to give up...
But, DH is headed to SS state in less than a month and we can't get BM to respond. Here is the text:
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What is a "change in circumstance"?
According to our lawyer yesterday- Getting married, DH's new orders that actually keep us here, the medical issues (see past blogs, we are dealing with Munchousen Syndrome by Proxy), Taking DH's name off the school contacts (I added him and myself back on) -- are all not enough to have visitation revisited. We aren't looking for a custody flip. Just every other Thanksgiving, 1/2 of winter break, spring break and 8 weeks in the summer-- you know standard out of state crap.
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Muahahaha <-- my best evil laugh
DH's cousin is getting married next month in the same state as SSstb14. We thought about it and decided that we just couldn't make it work with SS18's new therapist schedule and him trying to find a job, DDstb11 and DS12 just starting school, I am out of vacation time for the year, yadda yadda yadda. No biggie. Well, DH had an idea last night and asked if I would be upset if he went alone (of course not!!).
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Glutton for punnishment
I swear I must like being disappointed.
I just priced out flights for Christmas for SSstb14. We know BM won't let us have him. We know that she is going to ignore the email requests. We know it. WHHHYYY do we even bother?? Why can't we just give up like BM wants us to??
Maybe she will come back with a quick "No" and I can add that to the stuff currently being worked out by the lawyers. I doubt it... but maybe. If she says no, and we don't go to SS state for Thanksgiving (not that she has to let us see him), we will go 7 months without seeing him.
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DH and I were talking about his lawyer again... it always seems to happen when that bill comes in the mail! LOL -- anyway BM's lawyer is refusing to acknowledge our lawyer again. Big freaking surprise! So just based on how slow things are to get court dates, we know that it will be unlikely that if we push things, we would even get a court date before Thanksgiving and even if we did, it would be so close that flights would be astronomical if we were to book one. ( ** On a side note, why is it so freaking expensive to fly around Thanksgiving? I swear that is the worst holiday!!**)
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