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justmakingthebest's Blog

Doctor update!

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Big surprise, SS does NOT have Elhirs-Danlos. We did take his phone and explained why we were going and why we didnt want him to call his mom until we were done. SS's 1/2 sister called about 4 times, BM called. We just didnt answer. 

After talking to doctors in the hallway we find out she called the clinic and demanded he not be seen. They told her that dad has rights and they will see SS. She must have used a gps tracker. That was the only way to know we were at that children's hospital. That is the level of crazy we are dealing with. 

Loaded with anxiety today!

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SS arrives tomorrow for a little over 3 weeks. He is a good kid, he and my son are like 2 peas in a pod and get along together so well! The boys fight with my daughter- like siblings do... That isn't really my issue. I guess knowing that once we take him to the geneticist BM is going to lose her mind. She was such a ranting and raving B when we took him for a physical over spring break. I just know that after this visit all of the calm will be over. We will be back in court. We still owe the lawyer $5k from the last go 'round. 

Interesting News From the Genetics Clinic

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Real fast back story for those that don't remember: BM is constantly making up severe and debilitating conditions for SS13. A few years ago she had him and DH convinced that he was going to have to have 1/2 of his colon removed- turned out he needed a good poop. 2 years ago he had a "cardiac issue" so he couldn't go on a cruise with us- after a fight, we found out from the head of cardiology that SS was fine and there were no issues with him going on vacation. Her new thing is that he has Elhors-Danlos. She won't give any back up or provide doctor information. 

I thought it was mostly ending... but no...

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When we were out in yss13's state in April, I actually had a nice chat with BM. She said that she wanted all the drama to be over, coparent with both of us, yadda yadda yadda. I initiated the talk- I told her -- "Look, I just want to talk to you for a minute and let you know that I have an exhusband too, and I think he is an idiot. I am sure that you feel the same way about DH. I get it! With that being said my kids stepmother thinks me ex is an amazing man, just like I think DH is. I have found it easier throughout the years to do most of the planning, scheduling etc with her.

Best Morning Ever!

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DH opened his pay this morning and not only was alimony not taken out but the last month's payment was put back in his check! It was for 3K more than his normal pay! BM is going to be livid but I can't express how happy I am! 

I'm back!

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We were gone for about a week to go back to DH's hometown state. We were able to see SS18 graduate and got him packed up and moved back to the east coast with us. We also had a crazy idea that worked out! We planned a wedding in about 5 days with all of the help of Dh's family and got married on Monday! It was small and perfect and meant the world to both of us. All of our kids were there and in the end, that was what mattered to us :) 

OT- Changing my name

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With the wedding quickly approaching names have been a subject im my house. I had originally figured I would hypenate my last name. Keeps my kids but also take FDH's. BUUUTT... after talking to him about it over the weekend he really doesn't want me to do that. I have no desire to keep my ex's last name, except that it is also my kids last name. My daughter is really upset about the name change.


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Not that this is an issue now, but just wondering can BM block me from receiving info medical, educational, etc if FDH and BM have joint legal custody and FDH gives me permission? 
