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justmakingthebest's Blog

The alienation continues

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I just found out that SS missed 2 days of school last week. I get the weekly attendance updates to my phone. They said medical. I called the school to ask where SS had been seen. Turns out it was at a counselors office. Gave the info to DH. I think he should call and set it up so that they can do a phone session together. I think it would be great for a counselor to have all this info. I have been saying SS should see a counselor for a while. Now that BM is using one thinking she is solidifying her case against DH, we can turn it into family therapy. 

Communicating with SS

justmakingthebest's picture

SS14 still won't talk to DH. He has cut DH off since about the 1st week in November. My question is how much should DH be reaching out? DH has been reading a lot and everything he sees with communication and an alienated child says to keep reaching out like normal. DH usually sent texts a few days a week and would try and call 1-2 times per week. 

OT- Christmas Present for parents

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I have no idea what to get my mother for Christmas. The only thing she told me was getting her house pressure washed. That is the lamest gift ever. My sister's DH will just go over and do it, it isn't a big deal, he didn't know she wanted that. 

I have to come up with something. My mom spoils all of us like crazy at Christmas. I just don't want to give her something lame... My sister got her nice Soma PJ's and some cutesy wine glasses. Those are my go-to with my mom, she got there 1st! Evil sisters... 

I need mom ideas! Help!

E-mail to our lawyer

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Last night DH texted SS trying one last time for a response to the cruise we booked for his spring break. Keep in mind when we spoke to him (the last time we spoke to him at the beginning of November) he was excited and wanted to go. However his behavior towards us after that point has really been horrible. 

DH: Would love to talk to you about the upcoming cruise would appriceate a call back

SS: NO I am not going.

This response came in around 11 last night. I was asleep and DH came into the bedroom and was in tears by the end. 

ZERO faith

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Someone please tell me how the F the GAL assigned to SS14 called DH and asked if SS's name was *Mary*? Ummm... no. Then they didn't know our address and wanted to know when we could come to their office -- 1300 miles away!! 

Court Update

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We went out to SS's state last weekend, DH and I were both so hopped on adrenaline that we did the entire drive in one shot- 20 hours on the road! Thank God, SS18, DS13 and DD11 were such troopers!

Sat on the road- Texted, called, Snapchatted, etc SS14 hoping that he would answer and want to spend Sunday with us. No reply. Don't know if BM blocked us from his phone.


justmakingthebest's picture

Court is in 7 days y'all!! I am a wreck. DH is a wreck. This is the worst feeling ever. 

Backstory of going to court: BM accused DH and I of child endangerment, wants all parental rights removed and more alimony. 

Grrr... my mother

justmakingthebest's picture

Let me start by saying that my mom is fantastic. Truly she is. I consider her one of my best friends and she has always been there for me and my kids. However... like any friend/mom she can really piss me off sometimes. 

My mom and I value things differently. I will dump a boat load of $$ into a crazy vacation or experience for my kids. I will not buy them all the latest and greatest technology or iphone or whatever's for a 11 and 12 year old. It becomes obsolete far too quickly, they aren't responsible enough, and quite frankly I don't want to raise entitled assholes. 
