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The great white knight is at it again!

JEEMudder's picture

DH is at it again! As I have said time and time again, all of our problems boil down to him and his need to strap on his shiny fucking armor anytime anyone says anything about SD6 and defend defend defend!

Today is BD6's birthday, so we will refer to her as BD7 now. :). BD7 was SUPER excited to show SD6 her birthday presents today (they are best friends when SD6 is here, which she was all summer). So we put BD7 on "Skype" video call with SD6, DH was outside with BD2 in the meantime so we left them to chat. However, every time BD7 would show SD6 one of her new things SD6 would say "I don't care", and while talking, she was busy doing some other thing (a school craft or something).
Obviously the call wasn't going well so I told BD7 to say goodbye and had her hang up.

When DH came in later we put the girls to bed and I brought it up in the kitchen... I said,
"Next time we put them on Skype we need to supervise because SD6 was being really lousy to BD7..." And continued to explain what happened and how I think it was really lousy manners, and really lousy of BM to allow SD6 to be rude like that...

WELL! DH freaked out about how I am over reacting and SD is only 6 and I expect to much... (Woah, déjà vu! This has happened before!)

I freaking lost my shit! I told him everything! I told him he is a shit parent, and a shit husband and that if he thinks he is doing SD6 any favours by allowing her to treat friends that way he is wrong, and that if I had've known my daughter would be put in second place every single time, I would never have married him in the first place. I told him that I don't blame any of this on SD6 anymore like I used to in the early years. I blame BM for allowing her daughter to act like a spoiled brat who we have to reform every time she comes to visit, and I blame him for defending her lousy behaviour. I also threatened that in November when SD6 has her birthday, I am going to encourage BD7 to be equally nasty and god help him if he complains to me about it!!!

The conversation ended with me warning him that if he didn't start treating BD7 equally and if he continues to defend SD6's behaviour when she acts this way, we will be over...

Gotta go... He just returned home from the grocery store with chocolate for me... Probably too much to hope it sunk in though!