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Update on sd21's Birthday this weekend !!

Sweetnothings's picture

I have just had a crazy weekend.....crazy mad, crazy sad for DH and then a little bit of crazy happy maybe ?????

sd21 turned 21, DH sent card and put a generous amount of money in her bank.
He rang her, no answer first time...this is a favourite little thing sd does.....she never answers the phone first time to him.... We live in another country, so he waits awhile before ringing again. JUST before that sd has sent a memail....titled....details for paying the hello Dad, no greeting, just straight into this is how much I need you to pay for my rent....just a list, you know x amount per week per term, etc. X terms = x amount of money. She manages to add this I quote " unfortunately, because YOU earn too much, I can't get financial help " and this little gem " YOU said I have to pay for non term times " this made me angry but I held my tongue. It is correct DH did tell her that if she decided to stay in the house the 6 MONTHS of the year she is not at College, in a small town with no work it was HER choice and she must budget for it( she has the option to live rent free with relatives in a bigger city with work opportunites) Also, blaming DH for being very successful in his career, and how it " hinders" her, WTH ????

The other deal was that DH would pay the Landlord direct, after seeing the rental agreement and have the Lanlord's address and phone number etc.... ( sd has lied about what the money is for before !) so at the end of the memail, she lists a man's name and bank account details, saying this is how you have to pay.......

Well, I had to step in then as I had had ENOUGH of this bs....the name was one I recognised , he is a housemate in sd21's house AND he is a student at the college( It's an unusual name and she was tagged in photos with him on Fakebook !!! FFS !!!!! ) This was from awhile ago, before I stopped looking at all her shit online. I told DH ALL THIS, hell I even showed him the photos. He was shocked, but then ARGUED with me, that sd NEVER actually said he was the Landlord !!! WTH ???!! So now it's ok for sd to just chose a 'pal' DH doesn't know and for DH to pay the rwnt money into this account !!!! I couldn't believe it !!!!

Sorry, for the long post, DH rang sd back got through , wished her a happy birthday AND told her HE KNOWS that the guy is a housemate and a student AND not a Landlord. Flustered sd then says no he pays the Landlord each month for them, DH asks for a copy of the rental agreement( apparently they are signing a new the Landlord details and his phone number, etc. Sd asked when DH is going to pay the rent money....DH says when he SEES these things AFTER that !!!

DH asked why I was 'so upset' as he just thinks I hate sd anyway, there is no point any more arguing about this, and DH can believe whatever he likes, he does when concerned about sd21 but I'll be damned if I ACT like that when I KNOW the truth !!!!

More news to come but this is already too long, oops !!!!

Sweetnothings's picture

Forgot to add, sd21 supplied all the money details but STILL did not tell DH the house address, she's lived there for 5 months plus !!! He had to ASK her in the end to send it.

Other news DH rang younger skid, as we hadn't heard anything for awhile....and the news is.....

SKID is NOT going BACK to school, skid HAS officially left, which means for us that CS comes to an end!!!! WOOHOO !!! 14 months before we thought it would, just got to get the official documents sorted and that's it !!! Dh's done over 16 years of CS and ALL the extras !!! (BM must be sobbing into the nasty clothes and shoes she buys.....because her shopping spree money has come to an end !!!) WE ARE AT THE END OF CS !!!!

DH and I plan a big celebration, Champagne corks will be popping and little romantic trips away will be booked !!!! Roll on getting the official stuff through !!!!

Sweetnothings's picture

You are right stepaside....I am done with her entitled memails, following the same pattern all the time, AND DH thinking the sun shines out of her arse, everytime she tells (lies usually) him something good she has done. It's like sd21 is a good girl Daddy, give money now, yuk !!!!

She wants to live with the sap bf and other students, and play the woe is me, I'm a poor student, no money,no job, no nothing. She gets student loans that pay the course fees, with a fairly sized chunk of money left over....she has just done over 4 months sitting on the Internet and then the SHOCK when a job doesn't land in her lap !!! Did I mention on the phone call she told DH she even told him she would EVEN take a job cleaning toilets!!! I nearly peed myself laughing, hid it from DH...this from the girl who wouldn't even clean her OWN toilet when she lived with us !!!!!

Well, this year and next sd21 DH is paying but YOU HAVE been told that is it, that next 2 year course you want to do, is all YOU....maybe you can use the invisible money from your invisible job to pay for it !!!

Forget to mention the BEST BEST BEST thing about her turning 21, she is no longer able to be tagged on to DH's visa , if she wants to move to this country, she will have a ton of work to do it and DH has already said he is not paying for it !!! Plus, she will not be living with us, WE both agreed NEVER to do that again...... Just wish I could fast forward a couple of years, and watch all the entitled sd21 fall out FUN !!!

Boudicca's picture

Good for you Sweetnothings! Also if she wants to come and live in this country she will need a sponsor and that has to be someone who is not a relative. Enjoy that bubbly and have a great celebration!