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Update to the recent Drama-rama.

Sweetnothings's picture

Quick update, to my previous post on here.

Ass2 was kicked out by BM. Ass2 emails DH asking for a chunk of money, no surprise there, was expecting it. Long email about getting their own house, getting a job, really all the right noises which usually 'worked' on DH in the past.

DH replies saying good, send me some more information, anything official, and we'll SEE if we can help you. All normal stuff you would ask, I mean no one hands over money without knowing what it is for, right ??

Ass2 asks DH not to tell BM about this, too late skid, DH saw too many red flags waving in the skid email to be that dumb, and contacted BM with a brief email, literally saying he is not going to be played off against her by Ass2 etc.

DH told Ass2 all this in his email reply, that he knew why Ass2 was thrown out (ass2 has lied to us before about stuff) and that ass2 needs to grow up fast now, etc.

DH got a shi**y spiteful email back from ass2, telling him amongst other things to not bother at all then, blah, blah, blah.....

DH was angry, but calmed down and the next day sent a very calm, brief email, saying he really didn't deserve such words and left it like that. Now we are back to radio silence as DH is being punished again.

I'm disengaging from ass2 from now on, honestly, if ass2 was in the room and said those things to DH's face, I would have been showing them the door, with hands itching to scrub their disrespectful, entitled, lazy, crazy, mouths out with soap !!!

Vent over !!