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Update to yesterday's story...

Grammy Rhoda's picture

My husband and I had a long talk after cooling down last night. I told him I wasn't shopping, cooking, entertaining this bunch ever again. As far as i am concerned, I will no longer have anything to do with them.. He said that was fine, he would support me and his son is a jerk.

The stepson calls me "the other woman" and I found this out because Ss wife told me!!!

Fortunately for me, the do live out of state. I've told hubby to go visit them or see them won't me, but he will not do it. Hubby sausage if he has to make a choice brown them and me, he will choose me. I DO NOT want to come btwn a parent and a child and have repeatedly told this to hubby. I have told him this since day one . I have tried for 10 years to be a loving, supportive, stepmom without stepping on birth mom but Ss won't accept me, so I am done.

My first husband left me (for another woman) when our son was 18 months old, I had thyroid cancer had quit my job to be a stay at home mom, and had $39.00 in my purse! So I raised my son by myself (and he has two engineering degrees and an MBA from an IVY league school. No problems w him or his wife and grandson.). So I figure if I can get through all of that, I can get through this.

My hubby's mother said she wouldn't blame me if I cut ties with the Ss and family. She would have done it years ago! (Love that woman!)

Thank you all for your input.....


NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I really love your attitude!!!!!!!! You know you are better and stronger than the hated villian that they try and turn you into! And you don't put up with it.

Merry's picture

I give my SD and SS credit -- they are both generally polite to me, although I have had issues with both of them. They love their dad more than they hate me and they know he is happy.

Even so, DH does ALL of the shopping for them, all of the planning, most of the cooking when they come. If I am involved at all, it is to help HIM. They want to know their father loves them, so it's important that he take the lead in the relationship with them. They don't really give a rip about me, so a gift that HE chooses is way better than anything I would pick up. That's not to say I ignore them because I don't. I am a bit like the eccentric aunt I guess. I am just not in the least bit responsible for the relationship. It works for us.

JRI's picture

Merry, you nake an excellent remark.  As the SP, we could give the kid a gold-plated Ferrari but it wouldn't mean as much as Dad buying a t-shirt at Walmart.