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Am I Crazy to think my husband spends more quality time with one daughter over another?

emilymarie's picture

Maybe I am crazy but lately I have been feeling like my husband has been spending more time and giving more attention to my SD11 than our daughter (21 months)It's like he connects more with older kids and has more patience for that age or something. Or maybe I'm saying this because I'm about to pop any day with our 2nd baby together and I am irritable and not working, taking care of her all day by myself. I feed her all her meals, bathe her, clean the house, put her to bed, and he's just there being the fun dad to SD. Guess I just needed to vent...


Mom2TwinsnTeens's picture

I think its a guy thing. They don't really know what to do with them at that age I don't think. When it comes to my year old twins, I feel like a single parent, but we both parent sd14 and ss17

Crustybear's picture

I agree. My partner sometimes has no idea what to do with the kid and she is 8. Some men are just like that, they only relate once children start to talk and are coordinated enough to play some game with. I notice too that they like to teach thier interests and not necessarily what the girl is interested in. Maybe that is just in the case of the men i have known. I am a pretty old step mom and have been around a bit. lol. I think you will find that your little one will be more interesting to him when she is more mobile.
Congrats on the new one....

smdh's picture

Did you really just say that an ELEVEN year old NEEDS a dad more than an infant? Seriously? At 11 she is pretty self-sufficient. Oh, I get think that infant responsibilities fall to the mother?