Signs of abuse?
Yesterday, which was a Saturday, was a lot of work for me. All 4 kids here, the FDH (who isn't so darling) was a complete bear! His back was hurting, and he was tired, but that's no excuse for the way we were treated by him. I tried very hard all day to help him feel better, I tried to keep the kids occupied and well behaved, but the day turned out terrible, and now this morning is starting out on the same note. When the man of the house is miserable, and then makes everyone else feel badly, is that a sign of emotional abuse?? I would like to believe that he's not being this way, but when I spent the whole day kissing his ass, just to bo spoken to in an uncaring tone, just to have my kids yelled at by him, just to be mocked and made fun of, I don't have any reason to belive otherwise. I was going to get up early this morning to make pancakes for everyone, I was still laying in bed and I asked my son if FDH was making breakfast. Son said yes, thinks he's making pancakes, so I stayed in bed a bit longer. Then I hear the kids playing, and SS7 was starting to get snakey towards the other 3 kids, I hear FDH scold all of them for his kids behavior. So I knew I had to get up and intervien, it's not what I wanted to do, but I feel obligated to protect my kids from him at times, because FDH is NOT fair at all with these kids. He favors his two, and verbally bashes my two...(IT'S BS...I KNOW) I come down stairs, and I tell FDH to "stay out of it, you should do nothing and say nothing with these kids today, after yesterday, I don't believe you will handle it properly. You won't scold your son for his behavior but you will scold everyone for it...that doesn't make sense!" Then I realize the "breakfast" he's making is just for him and his kids. That pushed me over the edge! I don't understand how we can be in a relationship, living in the same house, supposidly in love with each other, and planning a future together. I do everything with his kids in mind, he does not! I take care of his kids all week, he works nights, so he doesn't get much time with any of us, and when the weekend comes, he always seems to choose what he wants to do, who he wants to interact with, who he wants to be nice to. I'M FUCKING SICK OF IT!!!!!!!! I don't do that to him or his kids. He's just a fucking jerk to me today! I asked him to leave the house today so the kids and I can bake christmas cookies, I have the dough ready waiting in the fridge. Plus I wanted to have the kids decorate the x-mas tree. He tells me I should leave...what a prick!! He acts as though caring about me and my kids is just something he can only do when it's convinient for him...which is not what I want in a relationship. He's outside now, doing what, I don't care! I just want him to stay away from us today! I get no apologies, no signs of remorse, not until it gets this bad, and then he usualy stays away from me until I'm not as upset, then he waits for me to want him to hug me again or whatever. He's such a dumb ass sometimes, I can't stand him when he's like this!!
- drivingmisscrazy's blog
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Your dh is a dick. Id give
Your dh is a dick. Id give him the ultimatum or walk. You and the kids dont deserve this.
It's time to move on or get
It's time to move on or get your own place.
Your kids don't deserve to grow up in a home with a man who treats them that way.
I know you're right, my kids
I know you're right, my kids don't deserve being treated this way! And this is not the first time he's been like this either. I usually get really upset right away and get on his case real bad, yesterday, I tried really hard to take a different aproach...didn't seem to matter. I've thought about moving out of here more often than I care to admit. Moving out is gonna be tough though. His kids don't want me to go, they know if I go , things will suck here. It's pretty bad when his own son comes to me yesterday complaining about "how dad is yelling at them for things that they don't understand" all these kids know I'll stick up for them, I'll get on FDH case about it, they need someone to do that! I keep looking at it this way...putting up with a day of crap here and there is tolerable, as long as I can let these kids know they mean the world to me, and I will do whatever they need me to do for them, and they know it. I can tell just by the look in their eyes! FDH is gone now, don't know where he went...don't care! He did try one last time to make me feel like shit. He wanted to know if he should take his kids with him, said he wasn't sure if I was in "any condition" to take care of them....What a fucking dick!!! All I said in response was, "being upset at my fiance because his actions are hurtful makes me "unfit" to care for children...get a clue, and get out! We want to have a good day together."
Oh HELL NO!!!Making breakfast
Oh HELL NO!!!Making breakfast for only he and his kids! What was he gona do sit down with them and have your kids smell the pancakes and watch them eat? It is a cruel move. Put his ass in check. I would flip a gasket if anybody treated my son like that. Lay out boundries....if he cant handle it then tell him to go find another place to live where he can make pancakes for he and his kids everyday. Make sure you tell him to Learn it, LIve it, and love it. Cause good luck finding a woman who will put up with such abusive foul behavior. Be strong Girl;)
Is he on drugs? Sounds like a
Is he on drugs? Sounds like a coming down offa meth attitude to me. I put up with that from my kids' father for 15 years. And let me tell you what: Once you get away from his ABUSE and find a man who treats you and your kids right, you will look back and wonder why you ever put up with that treatment for a minute. You are wasting your precious days on earth trying to make some asshole happy. Make YOURSELF and YOUR KIDS happy. LETTING someone treat them badly is WORSE than treating them badly yourself. And it will affect them.
Think of it this way: Would you want your daughter(s) to grow up and have their *life partner* treat them the way this mofo treats you now? Because kids don't do what we SAY, they do what we DO.