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Dad, can you cut my pancakes?

Chmmy's picture

I thought I misheard SS11 when he said "dad can you cut my pancakes". DH didnt hear him so I also ignored it. I was in the kitchen putting some things away and he says it again. DH gets off the couch and cuts his fukin pancakes. I said in front of the kids "What the fuck did you put in the pancakes, cement?" Why would he need his pancakes cut by daddee??? I really hate these kids and I hate BM for offering to take them this weekend so we can go to a fest Sat nite and then crying sick. Her husband probably put his foot down and said fuck that it aint our weekend. Smart man


StepUltimate's picture

That SUCKS. 

Sorry this is happening, Chmmy. Insanity.

SteppedOut's picture

It's nothing more than attention seeking behavior. 

FormerSO's 13 yr old wouldn't/couldn't cut his food. Hell, he couldn't effectively butter a piece of bread or toast. 

But yes, continue building that custom built $7,500 racing 4wheeler for him. Because he will surely be able to drive it and be mature enough for it.

Chmmy's picture

Even if ss11 cant cut his own pancakes, he should. The kid was in OT for fine motor problems throughout all of elementary. I wonder how much of that is attention seeking also. He loves attention at school too.

DH is doing him a disservice by not having him try to use his FM skills. What a fuck. I left the house for the gym cuz I had to get away. I tried to be around them. Cant do it. Ill shower and leave the rest of the day too.


DHsfamilyfromhell's picture

If you have stuff booked etc that’s very unfair. We all get sick and have to also look after our kids. Unless someone has a serious medical condition or similar that’s not a good enough excuse. 

thinkthrice's picture

Chef would always jump up and offer to cut S D & Y S S & o s s 's pancakes as well as any other food.  I literally taught SD how to cut her own pancakes.  Chef as guilty Disney Daddy look dismayed when I taught her how to do it and said "I enjoy doing things for my kids!"

hereiam's picture

Everytime SS asks his dad to do something like that for him, your DH should teach him how to do it for himself. Every.single. time.

My DH loved to cook for his daughter but he also liked teaching her to cook for herself. When he cooked for her, he did it because he wanted to, out of love, not because she pretended to be helpless.

Chmmy's picture

He doesnt need to be taught. Cmon he's 11. It is DH who needs to be taught, how to parent. I cant stand over DH and teach him how to create decent human spawn. Ibe been doing it for years and it has made me in to a nitpicking, angry, bitter ass bitch with a failing marraige. Do I....#1 let the spawn grow to be useless morons who never launch...#2 fuck up my marraige with my constant bitching or choice #3. Keep saving money so I can launch when that happens.

SMto2's picture

Wow! My DS11 has been using a steak knife to cut his own meat since that age, much less a butter knife (or fork!) it takes to cut pancakes! That's just being lazy and/or immature. I agree he should be cutting his own pancakes. I can imagine how embarrassing that would be if you were at a restaurant and your DH had to cut up pancakes for SS11 like he was a baby or disabled kid.

Cover1W's picture

When visiting my sis-in-law, her partner realized how ridiculous the SDs eating was and the second dinner there he served SD13 and SD15 on the same plate set he served their 4 yo. The look on their faces was priceless, I had to look away or start laughing hysterically. I don't think DH even noticed!

Incon_freaking_ceivable's picture

I will never, ever understand these grown men who don't intuitively understand that you are not doing your kids any favors by enabling their behaving like incapable imbeciles.